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Friday, January 31, 2025

Student Safety Organization Profiles

The Student Safety Organization (SSO) is available to walk students across campus after dark when they feel scared or just want to be on the safe side. But they are more than just men and women in uniform. I sat down with two active members to find out who they really are.

Misty Watkins is a junior and began her SSO duties in the fall of 2009. David Keran is sophomore and joined SSO in the fall of 2010.

Why did you join SSO?

MW: "My brother was president and I knew a lot of people who were involved. I'm not afraid to walk around in the dark, so I decided to join."

DK: "A few of my friends were in it and got me interested. I'm also a Criminal Justice major, so that was a big factor as well."

Did you have to go through any training or have any previous experience to join?

MW: "We had to know our way around campus and learn how to use the radio in order to contact people."

DK: "There were a few formal and informal guidelines. We had to learn how to use the radio, of course, and in the future they will probably have a self-defense course."

What has been your most interesting experience since you joined the SSO?

MW: "When I was stage-sitting during Spring Weekend last year, there were all sorts of excitement. We had to hunt down someone who stole a golf cart and even had the opportunity to help repaint a Princeps Crown."

DK: "Thankfully, nothing has gone terribly wrong so far. Most of the people I have walked with are very grateful the organization exists and thank me often."

Have you ever been scared while you were on duty?

MW: "No, I've never been afraid of the dark. I don't mind walking around in the middle of the night."

DW: "I've never been scared, but I have been concerned. I always try to be very aware of that is going on. Our radios can automatically contact the Longwood Police if there's a problem. The fact that we carry around 16-inch Maglite flashlights helps too."

What are the benefits of being in the SSO?

MW: "I like that I get to know the other members and the people I walk with very well. I'm also a Criminal Justice major and SSO proves the saying that the field is '95 percent boring, 5 percent exciting' is absolutely true. It's not always exciting, but I enjoy it."

DK: "Even when I have to go out in the rain and cold, it's worth it. I like that I can help people feel safe and secure. The more I get into it, the more I realize how important it is to help the other students out.