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The Rotunda
Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Little Chivalry Goes A Long Way

It's been said that in this day and age chivalry is dead. There has always seemed to be a certain amount of chivalry expected from a gentleman, but I'm not asking for that. I simply expect the same politeness that every person should practice every day.

Chivalry, if expected at all from the men of our generation, is not what it used to be. The definition has become relaxed in its usage, like several words. If a car doesn't stop to let me cross, I don't expect a fellow male student to chase after the car in full armor on their strong steed with the intention of beheading the driver with their sword.

Nor do I expect a man to lay his coat down for me over a puddle when I come across one on the sidewalk like they used to do in old movies, though that would be nice.

The kind of chivalry and common politeness that I don't see nearly as often as I'd like to is with mundane, daily opportunities for courtesy. For instance, more than three times last week I had a male not hold the door for me when I was only a few paces behind them.

And yes, I'm aware of all of the implications that could be reasons why he chose not to be polite: he was running late for class, his hands were full, he didn't see me, etc. But no, in one particular instance, we were going to the same class, his hands were empty, and he glanced back at me as I came up behind him on the sidewalk.

Gentlemen, there is no reason for this behavior. Even as a woman, whom chivalry is not expected of due to unfortunate gender roles, I hold the door for everyone. It's just being polite. Everyone, regardless of gender, should be polite at most times when you're out in the world, living your life amongst other people and such.

This goes beyond everyday encounters. If you are a man on a date, I'm sure (or I hope) that you've been told this by some wise woman in your life: chivalry goes a long way. For some reason the idea of classic chivalry has become humorous these days; young men who open a car door or pull out a chair for a woman are sometimes mocked or accused of being "pansies." Because it's cool to treat the girl you are with like you don't appreciate her, right? Wrong.

She may laugh or get embarrassed, but every girl appreciates chivalry. It's not always necessary in every situation, but it's a nice surprise when a man does do something chivalrous. Plus, and to some people most importantly, it'll set you apart from the rest.

So guys, show a little chivalry. It'll be appreciated by everyone around you. And all readers, be polite to the people you're around. There's never really a reason not to be, and every act of courtesy is a chance to brighten someone's day.