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Thursday, March 13, 2025

P. Finn, Personally

As all of the "I <3 P. Finn" T-shirts seen being sported around Longwood University's campus might suggest, Longwood students love their spirited and inspiring President, Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan. Since Finnegan's arrival on campus last March, it has been apparent a certain unusual connection exists between the president and students.

From Finnegan's rallying efforts at Longwood athletic events, with his chants of "I believe that we will win," to his willing participation in the breaking-in of the mud pit during the Longwood tradition of Oozeball during Spring Weekend and to his numerous appearances and speeches at as many Longwood events as possible for one man to make, it is clear Finnegan feels the connection is mutual.

It is due to the appreciation of efforts such as these that students wish to know more about their beloved "P. Finn." In a recent interview, Finnegan gladly offered up some personal information so the students of Longwood could find even more ways to connect with their university's president.

The nickname "P. Finn" was first on the agenda of things to discuss. A sorority first approached Finnegan last year before the Relay for Life weekend at Longwood, asking permission to make the now-famous T-shirts to sell during the event. Finnegan consented to both the T-shirts and the nickname "The best part of this job is being around students and connecting with them, and if that is the way to do that, I think it is terrific," he said.

Finnegan also assented to giving some general advice to all students of Longwood, saying, "Probably the most important thing you are going to get out of being at Longwood, in addition to a great education, will be the friendships you will make that will last a lifetime. This is a time in your life you ought to be reaching out to others to make those friendships that will be so meaningful to you while you are here, and in the future, as well."

 Finnegan added, "I tell students—and other people—everyday, ‘Do something for yourself that allows you to relax a little, and also everyday, try to do something for somebody else, particularly for someone who might not expect it but needs a hand.' I think if you do those two things, your life will be pretty good."

After those words of wisdom were passed on, the topic moved toward the personal life of the president. If a Longwood student has ever wondered about things such as Finnegan's first choice of food, his favorite music, his favorite sports teams, or even which television shows or movies he enjoys, those mysteries are now solved. Finnegan's favorite food is anything Italian, pasta in particular.

If one were to turn on the radio in his car, country music would most likely be playing. In particular, he named Brad Paisley and, although noting first that he is not a country singer, Bruce Springsteen as two of his favorite artists. In his adolescent years, Finnegan was a Beatles fan. "The Beatles came to the United States in 1963 when I was 14 [years old], and I became a huge fan," he said.

As for sports, Finnegan is a fan of college basketball and major league baseball. Finnegan's appearance at every Longwood basketball game possibly not only shows his support of the university's Division I team, but also gives evidence to his sincere favoritism of it above all other college basketball teams. He did, however, cite his second favorite college basketball team as Duke, adding, "I'm a great admirer of Coach K [Mike Krzyzewski]."

Regarding major league baseball, Finnegan is a Yankees fan; although, he said he admitted so while regretting to make any enemies over this sports alliance. Finnegan explained, "My dad grew up in New Jersey, and I inherited that allegiance from him." Accordingly, he recalled his favorite childhood memory as that of going to a major league baseball game with his father. The game was the New York Yankees vs. the Washington Senators. As for television and movies, Finnegan stated, "Joan and I like ‘The Goodwife' on TV, and I like ‘The Godfather'—the whole series."

Also somewhat of a campus-celebrity, First Lady Joan Finnegan came next as a topic of discussion. President Finnegan attended the United States Military Academy at West Point where his concentration was national security and public affairs. During his time there, his roommate's girlfriend attended Syracuse University for nursing and visited one weekend.

This "middle-woman" played an important role in Finnegan's future. Upon returning to Syracuse after her visit, she approached her friend, Joan, and told Joan of her boyfriend's roommate, and how the two needed to meet. Finnegan stated, "We talked on the phone a few times, and exchanged a few letters. I convinced her to come to West Point one weekend for a football game, and we've been together ever since."

In his free time, Finnegan now likes to get together with his daughters and grandchildren. A family tradition he mentioned was that of collecting Christmas ornaments from each place the family visits. "Every year when we decorate our Christmas tree it is a walk down memory lane," he said, "both historically because of the places each ornament represents, and to our specific history for what we did as a family."

Also reflecting his strong family ties, Finnegan said his parents are the people who have inspired him the most. He cited his parents' great sense of humor with a reminiscent smile. He then added, on a more serious note, their leadership-by-example in teaching him how to help other people was also a reason his parents most inspired him.

Finnegan concluded his interview by saying with a smile, "Joan and I are enjoying being at Longwood. It is a very welcoming place; the people are friendly and smiling. We feel like we are a part of things already." It is apparent Longwood students feel the same way in their acceptance and support of President "P. Finn."