Your stress level will be up during the next two weeks with papers, assignments, tests, and finals. How can you keep your stress levels down during the most hectic time of the semester? The answer is more simple than you think. Exercise gets your blood flowing, helps you retain information and reduces your stress.
After finals are over and you head home, you may wonder, "what now? How am I going to exercise while at home?" If you check into gyms near you they may have a college special for students coming home for the
break. If you cannot get a gym membership, you can always exercise at
home, with or without exercise equipment. Fun exercises you can do over
break that you may not think of as exercise include running, walking,
hiking, snowboarding, skiing, biking, basketball, football, etc. Don't
forget about simple exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, crunches,
lunges, squats, jumping-jacks, sprints, etc.
Weight gain is common over the holidays because there is always amazing food around and you obviously want to eat it. Remember that when you consume more calories than you expend you will gain weight. By exercising you will be more likely to burn those excess calories and this will help avoid weight gain during the holidays.
At the beginning of every year everyone makes New Year's resolutions, whether it is to lose weight, make better grades, travel, or graduate.
It is important that you make your New Year's goals realistic and set
small goals to lead up to your bigger goals. For example, if your goal is
to lose 10 pounds by February, this goal this is not realistic. It is
important to make your goals achievable or you will not succeed.
Setting a goal of losing 10 pounds by the end of May with a half-way
point in March is realistic. It is always important to remember that
you will probably not stick to your diet on the holidays, and messing up while on your diet is not the end of the world. Just eat better that day and continue with your diet. Do not harp on going off of your diet, it happens to everyone, just continue to eat better in the following days. I hope everyone has a fantastic winter break!