Alright, so I know I'm going to be the millionth person to mention this to you today, but this past Saturday, another musical legend passed away. Whitney Houston, who had a voice to put a crowd to tears, died at the age of 48 and was found in a hotel room.
After growing up and thriving off her music, my heart ached when I heard the tragic news. I remember after I heard, I sat with my friend in her room and watched Whitney Houston music vid eos for an hour. I am absolutely in love with her music and always have been. Yet people still find it amusing to continue judging her and make comments about her personal life and her addictions.
Houston has become my muse for this week's column. She was undeniably a legend in the music industry. Her powerful voice and her soulful passion struck the hearts of many from sea to shining sea.
Houston then fell into a miserable battle with addiction and drugs. It started to consume her, and eventually became public knowl edge. People judged her, mocked her and continued to antagonize her. People started to lose faith in her and that was evident after her many attempts to make a comeback. However, no one forgot about her incredible talent and her gracious presence whenever she performed.
We should see Houston as an example of how harsh society can be. We all have skeletons in our closet; no matter how in tact or de cayed they may be, everyone has a hidden secret. Yes, I do realize that as a celebrity everybody attempts to get in her business, but if it becomes publicly known what she does, who are we to judge? We are all human beings, and we should treat each other as such.
When meeting a new person, we should meet them on a blank slate, instead of using our preconceived notions to determine whether or not we like them.
We are a brutal species, us humans, but we're also one of the kind est. Why can't we try and change that? Why can't we greet anyone and everyone with a smile and a compliment? How about doing the same thing to an absolute stranger? We have to realize that we're not perfect. So stop perceiving this world to be a perfect one and stop establishing the "perfect" image as a comparison to some one. Chances are, you'll end up empty handed and disappointed.
Just because someone is "less attractive" in your eyes, participates in different activities or has different religious affiliations than you does not make them less human than you are. No one declared you better than anyone else, so stop demeaning and judging them. My mother always told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." I think more people should take that lesson to heart, and actually use it in their day to day lives.
I hear everyone talk about being a better person, and treating ev eryone equally. I say practice what you preach; you'll be surprised with how many people will actually follow you if you lead by ex ample.
For those of you who believe someone is judging you or making assumptions about you, just remember the beautiful lyrics sung by the late, but great Houston.
"I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all"
"The Greatest Love of All"
Sung by Whitney Houston
We are all beautiful and amazing creatures. If someone wants to tear us down for being great and amazing, let them try, because we are phenomenal. Each and every one of us is beautiful and unique; don't let anyone discourage you. What is your business is your business. If you feel the skeletons in your closet need to decompose a little more, let it be. This is your life, do what you feel is the right thing to do because in the end, the only person that should matter is yourself.
"When life makes you have to put up with mean and hateful people, think of them as sandpaper. They may scratch you, rub you the wrong way, but eventually you end up smooth and polished ... and the sandpaper ... it's just gonna be worn out and ugly."
-Beyoncé (In the film "Fighting Temptations")