The ultrasound bill had a somewhat awkward moment on the House of Delegates floor last week when Del. Dave Albo (R-Fairfax) explained how it ruined an otherwise romantic moment with his other half. He complained Friday about how, just before he and his wife were ready to have coitus, a fellow delegate could be heard in a television interview talking about trans-vaginal ultrasounds. Albo said the background noise killed the mood of his wife, who went off to bed. The delegate's anecdote earned laughter on the floor.
Women's groups have been very active at the General Assembly since a plethora of conservative social legislation has been introduced by Republicans and has advanced through the General Assembly. After a large protest last Monday, Feb. 20, a women's political action committee has been formed to support candidates working against those elected delegates and senators who supported various reproductive legislation such as the ultrasound bill and Del. Bob Marshall's "personhood" bill.
The group, Women's Strike Force, is led by a number of prominent female figures from the Commonwealth, including former Newport News delegate Robin Abbott and Democratic National Committee Women's Caucus Chair Mame Reiley.
Also last week, the Senate failed to pass the two-year, $85 billion budget after all Democrats voted against the bill. The 20-17 vote could not be broken by Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, who has the ability to break the tie on all votes in the Senate except for legislation involving the state budget.
Gov. Bob McDonnell said the action of trying to deadlock the vote was "not the Virginia way" in an interview with the Washington Post. However, Democrats have argued their opposition toward the budget was not about playing politics, but instead about listening to constituents. The budget will be up for another vote this week, a version that spends less money on schools and social programs.
Meanwhile, the controversial Voter ID bill was passed by the Senate Monday in a tie-breaking vote by Bolling. The bill tightens requirements for casting ballots in the Commonwealth as well as restricts those who are able to view the counting of provisional ballots.
Under the bill, press and the public would be prohibited from seeing provisional ballots being counted. Some senators have argued the ID bill looks to create stipulations that would harm the poor, disabled and elderly voters by requiring them to have an additional form of identification in order to cast a ballot.