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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Longwood Ambassadors Open House Rocks Lankford Ballroom

Everyone wants to give a good impression for their student organization, and the Longwood University Ambassadors open house on Feb. 1 at 10 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom was the best expression of that wish. The Longwood Ambassadors, a group responsible for Longwood University's student led tours and various campus activities during Oktoberfest and Spring Weekend, is looking once again for more additions to their "Amb Fam."

As stated on the Ambassadors' Facebook event page for the open house, the Longwood Ambassadors is a "volunteer, student service organization that assists the university in admissions, public relations and alumni activities."

The open house was a simple event in which about two dozen Ambassadors welcomed interested parties and showed them a sign-up list for applications. Catering light refreshments, the Ambassadors organized two icebreakers to introduce themselves as a fun, close-woven group of involved students.

The icebreakers included a ball marked with questions thrown between members of a team and a "Musical Chairs" type game in which players had to try and replace themselves with someone who fit a description. A short PowerPoint explaining what the Ambassadors do on campus was also shown.

After the program finished, Ambassadors Vice President Katie Beals was available to answer questions. Beals said, "We set up the open houses in order to meet members of the Ambassadors organization. It's set up so we can get to know their personalities."

Beals also believes the exercise makes people more comfortable during the interview and mock tour sections of their application process.

According to Beals, the comfort building process starts mainly at the "beginning of [the open house] when [attendees] are mingling. The Ambassadors' goal is to get to know people on an individual basis and talk to them, answer any questions they might have about the application process, the organization, what we do, what we stand for, everything like that."

With Admissions Counselor Calla Pavlidis as their adviser, it was further explained that much of the Ambassadors' activities are tied to the sdmissions department, which is based in the Craft House.

Numbering 70 members strong, the Ambassadors are also active as ushers and sweat moppers at basketball games. Activities run by the Longwood Ambassadors include helping out at President Finnegan's inauguration, working at the Southside Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, holding a clothes drive and involvement at Farmville's upcoming Haba-fest.

Highlighting the events of the night was the Ambassador's Membership committee and Chair Emily Williamson. After explaining that that main way she and the six other committee members separate applicants is by the 2.5 minimum required GPA, Williamson said the Ambassadors then organize a "an interview process with three Ambassadors, and we'll ask you questions and take you on a [mock tour so we can] see how you do in a tour setting."

Williams added, "[Ambassadors] do have to attend an open house. So, if [interested students] came tonight, I will send them an application. We also look at the teacher recommendation. If the teacher has a great thing to say about you that helps."

If interested in becoming a part of Longwood Ambassadors, contact the organization through their email at Be sure to submit your application in by the deadline on noon on Feb. 14. To participate, one must have completed at least 12 Longwood credits – but, most importantly, a love for your Lancer community.