*The following statements that I make within this article are my own opinions. The statements made in this article are not the views of The Rotunda or Longwood University."
This past weekend I became a fully initiated brother of Phi Mu Delta, which has impacted me in more ways than one. I have found a home among a group of gentlemen that accept me for the per- son that I am and that will have my back through thick and thin. They treat me the way I want to be treated, like family.
Now I have had many people ask me why I decided to join a social Greek organization. The reason they ask is because I have a past with many social Greek organizations, which has led me to have negative perceptions of organizations of the like.
I used to think social Greek organizations were all about social status, debauchery and degradation of others' character. Although I supported my friends and acquaintances in their journeys within their organization, I vowed to never affiliate my- self with a social Greek letter organization. Now, like many people, I wanted to associate the idea of fraternity and sorority life with the images that the media presents to the general public. My perceptions have changed since I have joined.
However, this is not about my journey with the fraternity, but about what the concepts of brother- hood and sisterhood mean to me. To me, brother- hood and sisterhood go hand in hand to create one word, "family." This is no ordinary family though. This family generally possesses interests and values that you yourself believe in. Family is always there to get you through it all. They're the ones that are always there when you hit the ground to help you back up and motivate you to keep going.
Now, this family is not easy to find. I like to think of it this way: every social organization is a differently cut diamond, and the one that catches your eye the most is the one that possesses true value to you. Now, the diamond you find may not appeal to someone else. This does not mean that they don't have good taste, it just means they have a different taste than you.
To me, family is love. They love the person you are and the person you will grow to be. They add you into their family because they want to grow a relationship with you and in the end call you a brother or sister. Finding a family should not be about where you think your social life or social credibility will be boosted, it should be about find- ing the family who blends well with you and your values.
To me, family is a body of trust and confidentiality. What goes on within your family should stay within the family. You can express your feelings and your ideas without the harsh judgments of those who would not understand. A family should be the ones you can depend on and trust to never share your secrets or spread harsh rumors about you. They're there to console you when someone else tries to rain on your parade.
Lastly, a family is honest. You can always rely on your brothers and sisters to tell you how it is without it being incredibly personal. Your family will always be the ones to tell you that you're acting immature to your face, unlike some others who would rather talk about you behind your back.
Throughout my short, but continuous, journey at Longwood, I have come across many groups and organizations that have a sense of family. I am bonded to an amazing group of gentlemen who love me for who I am and only want me to continue being who I am. I am incredibly happy to be with them and I feel at home. Every time I think about my brothers, tears of joy well up in my eyes and I just smile.
I urge you all to find this family. Nobody should be left alone on this campus. Nobody should sit in their room and be lonesome. No matter if it's a fraternity, sorority, club, sport, interest group, etc. Go out there and find it, you'll be surprised who you'll find, and you'll never regret the decision.