If you've ever been interested in a career with the federal government, your dream might be answered by a simple email.
Chief of Management Services Jeffrey J. Murphy from the National Defense University's (NDU) Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (CHDS), visited Longwood Wednesday, March 21 to talk about an internship opportunity for students. The opportunity involves experience in the federal service, a career that Murphy explained is not as negative as the stigma sometimes attached to it implies.
Murphy used to work for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which is a major producer and manger of foreign military intelligence for the U.S. In addition, he is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel with tours of duty in Europe and the Middle East. He also worked as a foreign affairs specialist focusing on Latin America.
Currently, Murphy is responsible for the administrative elements of the CHDS such as the budget and human resources. He also administers the center's internship program, where students can conduct research and knowledge-sharing actives regarding national defense and international security policy-making.
"I'm here to inspire a new generation," said Murphy. This new generation is exposed to "fed-bashing" on a daily basis, Murphy explained. "You combine fed-bashing with a lot of people's view of the federal government as an employer of last resort." However, Murphy said in his experience the overwhelming majority of federal government workers are "dedicated career public servants who want to serve the community."
As some might realize, Murphy explained not all careers are like that. He told of a job where the company was simply interested in a return on their investment and the salary of its employees rather than the public taxpayers. "That's a problem," said Murphy. "I know in my job now, taxpayers truly benefit from what I do."
Murphy called federal service jobs "wide-ranging" and said that they have requirements across the board, not necessarily ones relating to political science or criminal justice majors. In fact, Murphy said he once hired a piano major just because the applicant showed the traits the job required. "Don't just limit your search to [the employer] you think would be the traditional customer."
While the requirements for the job may change, Murphy said the necessity for the applicant to bring excellence does not. "The federal government is hiring, but it is very competitive. You need to bring your 'A' game. If you are a slacker and someone who has not excelled, you will have difficulty being hired for the federal government."
While at the DIA, Murphy said he would sometimes end up with a stack of resumes 18 inches thick. "What I'm looking for is somebody who is composed, confident and somebody who has excelled no matter what they do," he said.
Experience and meaningful internships were what Murphy touched on as what one can do to prepare for a federal service career. He said that it is important to know that an internship can never be had too early. He called internships "an investment in your future."
Even though Murphy talked about how diversity in skills is important, he stressed the need to follow a passion. "That leads to success," he commented. "You don't find fame and fortune in the federal service, but you will find meaningful and impactful work. And if you can do impactful work in something that you're passionate about, that's a great career."
When Murphy began his career path, the world was much different than today. "The Cold War was still going on," he remembered. He said his high school graduation present was an electric typewriter. Now, the use of iPads and high-speed Internet dominate society.
Murphy explained that the technology shift is "generational." He said the younger generation is much more equipped to deal with this technology change. Also, employer commitment is much different today. "Then you would have a job and stay there for a long time. That's all gone." He said the current generation is not as static or hierarchical as, perhaps, the Baby Boomers.
The technology change has brought about a telecommunication wave. Murphy said, "Should something traumatic occur, we can have people work remotely. But all of that requires a familiarity and comfort level with technology. There are some people that can't manage it, but its getting fewer and fewer every year."
Overcoming techno-fear probably is not a hurdle for most in the wired generation, but fulfilling Murphy's calling might be. "Dedication to excellence" is what he sees in the candidate. "You can be the piano major, you can be the political science analyst ... I don't care what it is ... you just need to have it. If you have sought to excel no matter what you do, that work habit is going to continue in the federal service."
He added, "When you work for the federal government, you're not just making a living. You are making a difference. And who doesn't want to make a difference in their life?"
Students interested in the CHDS internship can contact Murphy at 202-685-4579 or via email at murphyj15@ndu.edu.