Most people have sex education in high school, but does
this mean you know everything about STIs? More than likely
you don't know everything. Sexually transmitted infections
are among the most common transmitted infections
in the United States today. There are more than 20 different
types of STIs and about 19 million people are infected each
year in the United States.
How are STIs spread?
Most infections can be spread through any type of sexual
activity involving the sexual organs, anus or mouth. An
infection can also be spread through the contact of blood
during sexual activity and infrequently it can be transmitted
through other forms of blood contact (This is why when
performing first aid it is important to use precautions).
STIs can also be spread through the sharing of unsterilized
needles (such as hepatitis types A, C and E). Usually,
whenever you are exchanging body fluid with someone
else, there is a chance you could receive an STI.
Who do STIs affect?
STIs affect anyone and everyone because people can pass
on STIs to sexual partners without having symptoms themselves.
What are some of the STIs?
There are many STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea,
genital herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis, thrush, hepatitis,
molluscum contagiosum, genital warts, bacterial vaginosis,
HIV, AIDS, HPV and pelvic inflammatory disease. For
information on symptoms, side effects and treatment, go
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
What are the statistics for STIs in colleges?
According to the National College Health Assessment
completed by the American College Health Association,
over half of college students are sexually active. The following
STIs have been diagnosed and treated in college
students: genital herpes, 0.7 percent; genital warts/HPV,
1.7 percent; Chlamydia, 1.0 percent; HIV infection, 0.3 percent;
and gonorrhea, 0.3 percent.
How can STIs be prevented?
To prevent getting an STI, always avoid sex with anyone
who has a rash, genital sores, discharge or other symptoms.
The only time unprotected sex is safe is if you and your
partner have sex only with each other, and if it's been at
least six months since you each tested negative on an STI
Otherwise, it is important that you do the following: use
latex condoms every time you have sex, and if you use a lubricant,
make sure it's water-based. Be sure to use condoms
for the entire sex act. Also, make sure you use a condom
Always make sure to use dental dams and condoms for
safe oral sex. Avoid sharing underclothing or towels. Wash
before and after intercourse. Get tested for HIV. Get the
vaccination for hepatitis B.
If you have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, get
help because people who are intoxicated or on drugs often
fail to have safe sex.
Be sure to remember that not having sex is the only sure
way to prevent STIs. If you are not going to be abstinent,
at least be careful. The Student Health and Wellness Center
and Longwood Peer Health Educators provide students
with free condoms.
What do you do if you think you may have an STI or
would like to be tested?
The Student Health and Wellness Center hosts Wellness
Wednesdays and provides contraceptive health/
STI screening and testing services for men and women (i.e.,
birth control pills, condoms, pap tests and pregnancy testing).
The Prince Edward County Health Department partners
with the Longwood Student Health and Wellness Center
every fourth Wednesday of the month from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. Students may also be seen at the Health Department
for additional health resources. To make an appointment,
call 434-392-8187. Remember that most services are at no