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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Take that, Ovaries! An SDIC Workshop Empowers both Women and Men

Who wouldn't love a pair of golden ovaries? Bobbi Ausubel visited campus on Tuesday night to lead an interactive workshop entitled "That Takes Ovaries." The event, sponsored by the Student Diversity & Inclusion Council (SDIC), was brought to Longwood students as part of the Women's History Month. The event included speakers, storytelling and open mic sessions.

"Welcome gusty women and men," Ausubel said to kick off the night. She explained that a major push behind this movement is to help empower women. She feels it is an important step for people to converse about the issues regarding women. "You won't have social change if you don't bring people together," she said.

Senior Christa Brown read one of the stories offered in the book "That Takes Ovaries" and followed up with the encouragement for all the participants to go out and be active. "There is no excuse for you not doing what you want to do," she said.

Brown talked after the event about what she took away from hear ing everyone. "I need to step up. I really need to step … you're never too young. I feel very inspired," said Brown.

One of the themes talked about in the presentation was the mis conception many people have about feminism. Being a feminist only means equality for men and women. Ausubel talked about some of the issues she ran into, including not being allowed to take certain certification tests to enter a particular career and getting in trouble for not wearing a skirt.

She mentioned other hardships women face around the world. According to the United Nations, one percent of land is owned by women. She also said there is more slavery now than ever before – approximately 27 million people in slavery. Many are sex slaves and there is a fair amount of labor slaves as well.

The participants in the program came up with several suggestions of how women at Longwood can be better protected against sexual assault. Having a sober buddy, protecting friends who could possibly be in danger, educating people and having more men take responsi bility to help protect women were all suggestions that were brought up.

Dr. Deneese Jones, dean of the College of Education and Human Services, presented her piece entitled "There is Strength and Strug gle." In her piece, she talks about all the different experiences she had while working to obtain her degrees and follow her career path. The event then moved into an open mic portion, in which a number of students shared their own personal experiences of empowerment. Each presenter received a pair of golden ovaries, which was a piece of chocolate wrapped in gold foil.

Student Katie Robey attended the event and felt it was important that people continue to have these sorts of conversations. "We [need to] try to empower those around us and lead a better life," she said.

Rosa Townes, who serves as Social Activist Chair for the SDIC, rated the event as a success. Ausubel acknowledges that this is a difficult fight for young women to get involved with, but she says it's also an important fight.

Townes said, "The backlash that is going on now in Virginia is enormous. These people who are being jailed for civil disobedience? Come on, that's part of the American heritage … Do you think Martin Luther King got permission? ... The same thing is happening here … prevent women from owning their own bodies," said Ausubel.

Townes gives one last take-away piece of advice. "Live a bold life and what they feel like is being bold, whatever that may be."