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Thursday, March 13, 2025

'The Hunger Games' Satisfies Fans' Cravings Opening Week

'The Hunger Games' Satisfies Fans' Cravings Opening Week

Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss) and Josh Hutcherson (Peeta) prepare for the fight of their lives in "The Hunger Games."


"Harry Potter" ended and "The Hunger Games" came in to steal audiences. The books sold thousands of copies and continues to do so, especially with the long-awaited film released this past Thursday.

Fans were apprehensive as filmmakers began to cast characters for the film that went into production this past year. A big concern: getting Katniss, the main character, right.

But fans didn't have to worry much when director Gary Ross asked writer of the series Suzanne Collins to write the script for the movie together. From there, Collins was included in all the auditions for her characters, the set design and important scenes that can make and break such a fan-based film. The pair didn't disappoint.

Jennifer Lawrence, known for her part in "X-Men: First Class," dyed her hair dark brown and picked up a bow and arrows, and there was no one else who could possibly fit the role of Katniss better. Taking on the other two most important roles in the movie are Liam Hemsworth as Gale, Katniss' best friend, and Josh Hutcherson as Peeta.

The film stays very true to the book overall, and in many aspects a lot of the details from the books are noted and included in the film. The costumes in the book are very well-depicted, from Collins' description of the ridiculous way the Capitol residents dress to the loose back end of Katniss' sister Primrose's shirt during the reaping.

Costume director Judianna Makovsky looked to the past for inspiration for the futuristic novel, especially for one of the main characters, Effie, played by Elizabeth Banks. Many of the costumes had a 1930s vibe and were bright, sickly colors. Most importantly, Makovsky stayed true to Collins description of Peeta and Katniss's costumes during the chariot ride and interviews with Caesar, played by Stanley Tucci. The two were really lit on fire, and during the interview when Katniss twirls for the audience, she truly is "The Girl on Fire."

The set design is brilliant and the depiction of the city is exactly as one would picture it. Collins' ultra-futuristic world comes to life, complete with high tech technology in the "Game Center" control room as well as within the train that the tributes travel in.

Details were given tons of attention so that even the food looked different and changed by the Capitol. One aspect the director gave the audience was from those within the control room of the gaming arena. This change of view highlights the idea of it all being for entertainment, and exactly just how much the Capitol is in control of who lives and who dies. It is a clever way of showing the Capitol's power that is demonstrated in the books.

The one thing that made the film, though, was a combination of phenomenal acting and dedication to the book that fans fell in love with. Lawrence delivered a heart-wrenching performance as Katniss. One of her more amazing scenes was just before she ascends into the launching area in the arena. She is with Cinna and neither of them speak; she simply bows her head against his forehead, and when she pulls away she is shaking with fear and an inner panic.

Hemsworth and Hutcherson also give amazing performances as Katniss' love interests. Even though Hemsworth is only in a handful of scenes, the ones he is in leave little to the imagination as to whether or not he cares for Katniss. His face is pure heartbreak every time Katniss and Peeta have a moment.

Of course, there are a few scenes that alter from the original text, just as there are some parts that are missing altogether, but the film delivered the most critical and important parts of the book. The film is sure to deliver for the heavily devoted fan base as well as those who aren't quite convinced at its brilliance. The storyline, strong acting and fantastic set design are enough to keep an audience suspended for two-and-a-half hours.

4.7 out of 5

Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss) and Josh Hutcherson (Peeta) prepare for the fight of their lives in "The Hunger Games."