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Friday, January 31, 2025

Alleged Hazing Case

The students involved in the alleged hazing case of the Rho Kappa chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity are facing charges under the Longwood University Honor & Judicial Board system. According to a Longwood University press release, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life become aware of these allegations back in September.

The office then notified the Longwood University Police Department (LUPD) who opened up the investigation with the assistance of Fraternity and Sorority life. With cooperation from the Town of Farmville Police Department, the investigation is ongoing as more arrests are expected. The press release goes on to say that pending the investigation of these charges, all activities of Longwood's TKE chapter have been suspended indefinitely.

In an interview with Dr. Richard Chassey, director of Honor & Judicial Programs, some matters were clarified regarding the arrests and charges that have been circulating through the news. According to reports, drugs and potential hazing equipment were found off campus; however, the members of the fraternity will still be facing charges from the Judicial & Honor system at Longwood. Chassey explained that even though these items were found off campus, they still fall within Longwood's jurisdiction.

This is because Longwood has an agreement with the Farmville community in which it extends its jurisdiction off campus as well. In other words, if laws are violated off campus, they will be brought to the Judicial and Honor Boards because they break university policy as well. Members will also be facing charges from the Farmville Police Department.

Chassey said that any form of hazing that causes bodily injury is grounds for expulsion, while hazing that does not would typically not be expulsion. For charges involving drug use, the punishment would result in suspension. Chassey also said that these sanctions can be found through a link on any student's MyLongwood page as well as the Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook on page 21.

He also explained that charges against the organizations have been pressed; however, he has not received reports about any individual charges being filed yet. He assumes, though they have not been brought to him, campus police will want to issue them and they will soon be forthcoming.

Longwood used to have a separate Greek judicial system that used to be in place on Longwood's campus to deal with Greek matters. Chassey explained the system does not exist anymore due to lack of interest, and the current Judicial and Honor system has a good percentage of Greek members on it which ultimately does the same job.

On an interesting note, Chassey explained that given such a high profile case, the case would instead go to a system called the University Disciplinary Board (UDB) and not the Judicial Board. He explained that he ultimately made the decision to have the UDB take the case, but he did inform the members of the Judicial Board. The UDB is composed of two faculty members, two staff members and two students.

There is a pool of members for each group that can serve. SGA students and Judicial and Honor Board members are typically part of that pool. The UDB is only used, he said, "in situations where the case is felt that it is not appropriate for students." This decision falls solely on Chassey, as he explained that given the news coverage of this case, didn't feel it would be appropriate for the Judicial and Honor Board to judge. 

Chassey said he was not aware of the details in the ongoing investigation that started this past September. He did say he was aware of the investigation but was not informed of anything else until the warrants were issued. "This was very much a surprise to me as well," he said.

Nicholas Snead, chairman of the Judicial Board, said in regards to the UDB that it is a very high profile case and at times, the Judicial Board feels they should take the case, but in other circumstances, they feel they should not. Chassey explained that "since we know so many of these individuals, it would make it hard to take. It's certainly something we can handle if given the chance."

As far as who will be selected to represent the students on the UDB  Snead explained it would be very selective for students. When asked about the media coverage, his comment was, "It's interesting, because the first day you hear about it, and then next you see it on the news that evening. I was pleased by the responses of the students though."

Many of the student's responses were similar to that of the Judicial Board, saying how they were not going to make judgments, but simply go off the accusations and charges from the police department.