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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tell All Tales: Semester of "Yes!"

The semester of yes.

The entire American collegiate establishment is a phenomenal thing. Each week I have found that I have blown another hundred dollars on pitchers of watery beer, “Mexican” food and themed out- fits from Goodwill that – thankfully, for my sake – I will never wear again. I have now approached my last semester, and it gives me the blues to think that after this year, it is inappropriate to act in such heinous ways. Unlike college, the real world is actually going to judge me.

That is why I have declared this last semester the semester of yes. Too many times I have turned down the opportunity to do something shameful, and instead I am left with a memory of stuffing my face with unnecessary carbs, while watching sad movies and thinking about my ex-boyfriend. This is the last few months of slumber parties,

easy-mac and blowing my parents’ life savings – it’s time to make it worth it.

For those of you who have time left, make sure you do everything that you can to make your experience worth it. Take so many pictures that it annoys people. Those images are the one thing that will take you back. Although it is only going to be a memory, you will still be pleased with yourself for capturing a moment you will never get back.

I constantly ask myself, where will I be at this time next year? The truth is, I have no clue. How scary is that? There are not many things more frightening than applying for jobs besides maybe getting out of bed the morning after a night of drinking jungle juice. I am ready to have a job and work, I really am. At the same time, I don’t want to leave a place that has become so comfort- able – a place where I have found a family away from my home.

My semester of yes will consist of many things.

It’s time to start dating and “seeing people” (wow, that sounds so grown up). If anyone asks me out, I will accept the invitation. I vow that I will not miss a party, movie night or fast food run if asked. I will try my best to get fit and cook actual meals with my roommates. I will take ad- vantage of the academic perks of a university and actually use my agenda every day. Most impor- tantly, I will spend as much time with this new family I have made here, even if it means missing my favorite television show.

There is so much potential for the rest of your experience. Live it up and eat as many micro- wavable meals as possible. Go out and meet new people because one of them could end up being in your wedding. Remember, you can only act like a college student once and have it be acceptable.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

*** This editorial is an opinion stated by the writer and does not represent the views of The Rotunda or Longwood University.