On Monday, March 25 the Student Government Association held the second committee meeting to discuss a resolution involving off- campus organizations and their participation in on campus clubs and organizations.
While it was a larger step forward for off-campus organizations, the discussion was heated. As a member of an off-campus organization who has also belonged to the Politics Club for years, this issue is incredibly close to my heart. While I know that I am not judged by my fellow Politics Club members, I will forever be saddened by the level of animosity that was projected at my off-campus organization, as well as others like mine.
I am a junior here at Longwood, and I have watched as many of the class of 2014 find their way into various forms of involvement. No longer are we the scared freshmen participating in New Lancer Days. We have all grown as people. I have so much respect for those that went on to be members of on-campus Greek organizations and grew into leaders in their organizations. Unfortunately, that was not my path nor was it the path for my sisters.
My organization stands for respect and love and serves for the mutual benefit of the members. Through joining my organization, I have found my stride here at Longwood, and for the first time, I feel like a part of the community. I have found a warm family that allowed me to grow as a person. Because of my sisters, I am a better sister, friend and student.
I know that it can be difficult for certain members of on-campus organizations to understand why I joined my organization with the supposed repercussions associated with joining these organizations; however, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that, according to the student handbook, there are no repercussions to joining off-campus organizations. Furthermore, my right to associate and gather is protected by the United States Constitution in the First Amendment. NAACP vs. Alabama upheld that freedom of association is an important part of free speech, even though the First Amendment does not expressly state that there is freedom of association.
My sisters and I pay the same tuition, attend the same classes, pass you in the hallway and hold the door open for you to the Student Union. We have faces and feelings. Some of what was said in the meeting attacked who we are as individuals, and it was offensive.
The whole argument against allowing members of off-campus organizations from joining on- campus organizations rests on the idea that members of off-campus organizations have qualities and associate with people that make them undesirable to those on-campus organizations. If this is the case, I would invite people to have dinner with us and get to know us. We are a warm and welcoming group of people. We have not been allowed to promote ourselves or even defend ourselves against harmful and unfounded rumors.
There are many misconceptions that have been allowed to ferment, and they are damaging. I ask that those who spread these rumors or listen to them understand the effect these words have. My rights not only as a Longwood student, but also as a tax-paying citizen of Virginia and a citizen of the U.S., are being called into question because of these rumors.
We do not seek to have benefits that are higher than other groups — we simply seek equality.
*** This editorial is an opinion stated by the writer and does not represent the views of The Rotunda or Longwood University.