We only have six weeks left of the semester. And that is just enough time to do everything you’ve wanted to do as a Longwood student.
The four years spent as a college student pass by so fast, so the opportunities you have need to be utilized now while you still have the chance. You don’t want to walk on the stage at graduation and look at your diploma, thinking about everything you could have done rather than what you did do.
So, I want to suggest a change in how you might view what these four years mean to you. Make a bucket list. More specifically, a Lancer Bucket List. It will include everything you have to or want to do at Longwood University, or in Farmville, or really anywhere while you’re a college student right now.
Your list can include anything. It doesn’t have to follow anyone else’s goals or expectations and certainly no one’s judgments. It can include everything from gong to Midnight Breakfast to being the president of that one organization you’ve always been most dedicated to. It can include everything from eating a cake pop at the Farmville Sweet Shop to hiking High Bridge Trail State Park. It could include things as far as taking a class in another country to going outside your comfort zone and bettering yourself in a way you never expected.
What you put on your Lancer Bucket List doesn’t need to be the most exciting, Pulitzer-Prize-winning or life-altering things. Little things mean a lot too, if they truly mean something to you.
But write them down. Write down what you want to do then they are far more likely to happen.If you are unsure of what you can do, allow me to make a few suggestions.
What you can do at Longwood University: Go to a club you never thought would interest you Start your own club on something that has alwaysinterested you Get a radio show Write an opinion and send it to The Rotunda Enjoy some eggs and bacon at Midnight Breakfast Find a Chi or Princeps dropping Go to the G.A.M.E. Go to a basketball/soccer/etc. game Pick and go to any of the many activities Lancer
Productions hosts Do a study abroad See the fireworks at Rock the Block
Enjoy the music and booths in Spring Weekend and Oktoberfest
Stay up late, donate and walk, walk, walk at Relay for Life
Learn more about what your professors research by going to a Chichester Colloquium or a Blackwell Talk
Go to a play or musical hosted by the Longwood Theatre Department
Go to a concert by the Longwood Music Department
Go to the New Student Leadership Program in the fall
Go to the Mountain Lake Leadership Conference in the spring Learn more about the history of your university
What you can do in Farmville: Eat at the Farmville Sweet Shop Get a sandwich at The Bakery Get a margarita at El Patron
Check out an art exhibition at the J Fergeson Gallery Go shopping at the Sleeping Bee Volunteer at an annual family workshop at the
Longwood Center for the Visual Arts Volunteer at F.A.C.E.S.
Find your internship in an organization in Farmville Go to the Heart of Virginia Festival in May
Ride a carnival ride in the Tri-County Fair in October
Learn more about the history of your community
And finally: make an impact on the history of your community in some way through what you do as a Longwood student and what you do as someone who lives in the town of Farmville nine months out of the year.
In the end, when you look at the diploma at the end of your four years here, what you see will be the summation of what you have put into your college career. It will be a reflection of yourself.
The more you give to your community, the more it will give back to you. Making a Lancer Bucket List is not a To-Do list for you to check things off of as they come. It’s about learning more about where you are and learning more about who you are as you do things maybe you never thought you wanted to do.
It’s about challenge. It’s about adventure and experiencing new things.
Most importantly, it’s about never regretting what you could have done when you had the one chance.
Only six weeks.
So, I ask you: What do you want to do before you graduate?
*** This editorial is an opinion stated by the writer and does not represent the views of The Rotunda or Longwood University.