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Friday, January 31, 2025

Foster Care in the U.S.

Recently I discovered the irony that lies within the title of the foster care system. Whilemanyindividuals, couples and families caringly take in children from the foster care system each year, the statistics are chilling. The child welfare system is flawed, but there are movements within Congress and other nonprofit organizations that are working to make it a better system.

There are more than 500,000 children in the United States foster care system. Many reasons can lead children to the foster care system, but the most prominent are due to neglect and abuse in their lives. Two out of three foster children will die, go to jail or go homeless within a year of turning 18.

According to The Children’s Advocacy Institute, less than three percent of foster children go to college. More than half of them are unemployed after coming out of the system, and the nation’s prison population is composed of many foster youth. There are almost three quarters who emancipate from the system without even having a place to live.

The numbers of children placed in foster care are also on the rise. California has the most significant increase of children in the system, with the numbers having tripled in the past 20 years. Why is this number rising?

According to Human Services, the number has and will continue to increase due to parental drug use. The website also noted long term effects of maltreatment, lack of continual healthcare and regular placement changes impact the children’s physical, emotional and psychological development.

I think it is obvious that these heartbreaking consequences would be results in these children’s lives under the given circumstances. As unfortunate as it seems, we cannot help but watch the numbers increase.

I doubt that I am the only one to have just found out about these problems with foster care, but I also wonder how many people know about the depth of the problems that surround those children. I feel like it is an under recognized issue in our country. There are some efforts being instigated, but the statistics over the years do not show any improvement.

Even Wade Horn from the Department of Health and Human Services told ABC that the foster care system is “a giant mess and should just be blown up.” The article on ABC continued to discuss the record number of children who entered the system in 2004 at over a quarter of a million. The discussion went on to say that much of the rise was due to methamphetamine use; even 80 to 90 percent of foster care placements can be traced to substance abuse. On average, children have three different foster care placements.

Together We Rise is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of foster care children. The founder of Together We Rise, Danny Mendoza, stated in one of their promotional videos, “We hit the parent lottery.” It is a simple and powerful quote. It’s easy to get caught up in the frustration of parents nagging about our grades, if our room is clean or my personal favorite as a senior, finding a job.

I remember the daughter of one of my mom’s friends who was about 22 when I was only 15 saying, “Believe it or not, but when you get older, you will actually enjoy hanging out with your mom.” All I could muster out was a fake laugh. I thought, “No way.” Of course, as she predicted, here I am years later and consider my parents some of my greatest supporters and friends.

At the same time, I could not imagine having a childhood without a loving family present. I couldn’t imagine how I would be able to handle physical abuse, moving multiple times a year and facing statistics about my future that said I would be in the majority who failed.

Together We Rise has implemented a variety of programs. Some provided foster children with new clothing and gear to play sports in camps. They also delivered bikes across the country, and taught hundreds of children how to ride for the first time.

One program is called “Sweet Cases” where they deliver duffle bags and suitcases to children so they don’t have to travel around using trash bags. Another very important tactic they used was mentoring the children in helping them find jobs and continuing education. Basically, they are there to support children and make them feel as normal as possible.

There are tons of opportunities to help out Together We Rise and other organizations dedicated to improving the foster care system. After all, we attend a university that embodies the motto, “We believe that the best and happiest life is not one spent for self, but for others,” and it could even lead to a future career opportunity.

*** This editorial is an opinion stated by the writer and does not represent the views of The Rotunda or Longwood University.