The Lancer ID Card is an essential item Longwood students should have on them at all times. It acts as an identification card and, in a way, serves as a debit card.
The Lancer ID contains its owner’s meal plan, Lancer CA$H and Bonus Dollars.
The Lancer Card is also used as a library card, a pass to get students into their residence halls and a card that allows students to access the computer labs.
Also, the card grants free admittance to athletic events, the Health & Fitness Center and the Farmville Area Bus (F AB).
According to the Longwood University ID Card’s webpage, students have two ways they can get their picture for their Lancer Card.
One way would be to submit the photo at least two business days before orientation, and another way is to have their picture taken during orientation at the Lancer Card Center.
Also, a student’s first Lancer Card is free of charge; however, if a card is cracked, misplaced or no longer works, students will be charged 15 dollars for a replacement card. During the exchange, students must have their old Lancer Card with them.
Additionally, when students are picking up their Lancer Card, they need to bring a driver’s license, passport or some other type of government issued ID.
Crissy Sampier, manager of the Lancer Card Center, stated, “We encourage students to keep their ID cards in a wallet, wristlet or badge holder to keep them from breaking. We sell hard plastic badge holders in our office for two dollars and lanyards for two dollars, and the [Longwood University] Bookstore sells ID holders as well.”
Sampier added, “To keep the card from bending, we do ask students not to put stickers on the card or punch holes in the card. This will help make sure the prox chip housed inside the ID stays intact and does not break and will keep the magstripe clear from scratches. The prox chip controls the door access and the magstripe is how students access their meal plans, Bonus Dollars and Lancer CA$H.”
If your Lancer Card gets lost or broken, the first step is deactivating your card. According to the Lancer ID Card page on the Longwood University website, students can deactivate their card in three different ways.
The first way is to go online to Manage My Lancer Card and mark your card lost.
The second way is to contact the Lancer Card Center, and the third way is to contact the Police Department Dispatch.
Sampier stated, “If the card is lost or stolen, students can come to the Lancer Card Center and get a whole new card. Students typically get the option of keeping their same picture or taking a new one at the time. Also, account information is in the computer, so when a card is replaced, students will have access to everything on their old card.”
Furthermore,Sampier added, “We had about 600 card replacements last year, which includes students and Faculty/Staff.”
For more information on the Lancer Card, contact the LancerCard Center by phone number 434-395-2715, email or stop by G22 Lancaster Hall.
Students can deposit cash into their Lancer CA$H accounts in Lankford Student Union and Greenwood Library.