After the hoop-la of Oktoberfest dies down, what does everyone look forward to? Is it the fall break that seemed to last as long as one hour of sleep?
Or, is it getting to figure out what you possibly will do for a Halloween costume?
Halloween falls on a Thursday this year (and let’s be honest, if it were any other weekday, it wouldn’t mean as much) and my guess is the "thirst" will most definitely be real this "all hallows eve."
Those of us who enjoy going out on the weekends, have not one, but three opportunities to show off our get-up attire or, excuse me, Halloween costume.
It’s always interesting to see who shows up in what, right? It seems we’ve still got that kid-in-us spirit when choosing the most creative costumes out there.
As kids, we got excited to pick out a Halloween costume simply because ringing the doorbell and getting approval or laughs from adults handing out candy gave us an ego-boost.
For instance, when my childhood best friend and I went trick-or-treating, she got all the creative applause for dressing up as Britney Spears (pre-meltdown), decked out in glitter, blue leopard leather pants and a microphone headset, while I was a witch … for the fourth year in a row.
After that, I thought, “Well next year I have to do it big.” I realized that my creativity was lacking; no person we chimed "trick-or-treat" to really was very enthused that I was a witch.
So has that same concern diminished nowadays or do we (now as college age students,) still find keeping it creative significant in selecting Halloween ensembles?
Even as we are entering our twenties, most of us don’t really need to find creativity in Halloween anymore, we simply just scan the aisles of Party City, or in our case, the only place Lancers can find something: Wal-Mart.
However, consider this: If you're going to do it big, as in you want to put energy into a good costume, you might as well make it creative.
Instead of the standard "sexy" cop or firewoman, pick up the costume that stands out. So rather than the common “cop,” maybe a cop without a license or Katniss who looks a little less “Hunger Games-ready.”
Boys, try something different as well. Please stay away from the beer-can-costume; let’s face it, we’re in college, so it’s not that original.
Also, being “The Situation” is so 2009. But relevant Halloween characters can be creative and more 2013. For example, get a friend to be Jesse while you dress as Walter of “Breaking Bad.”
Many people think creative Halloween costumes take the whole month of October to contemplate, but it doesn’t have to be as hard as it looks.
Let an idea come to you, and it will. Once you’re in your costume, whether you’re trick-or-treating or going to a party, (or just down Buffalo Street), people will notice and appreciate a well thought out and artistic Halloween costume.