Dozens of people crowded the main entrance of Bedford on Friday afternoon to catch a glimpse of the photos taken by Longwood students on their recent study abroad trip to India in the exhibition titled, "India: A photographic Exploration of Place by Longwood Students."
The gallery was filled with excited chatter amongst the photographers and their guests as everyone “oohed” and “aahed” at the beauty that was India.
Ten Longwood Students gave up two weeks of their winter break in exchange for the trip of a lifetime to India. While they were there, they spent most of the days touring around various parts of India, including the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
They weren’t just tourists, though; throughout the day, students photographed everything they saw and spent countless hours editing the pictures later on.
Sophomore photography major Carson Reeher described the experience by saying, “Being able to shoot pictures every day helped me improve my photography skills so much.” At the gallery opening on Friday afternoon, she and the nine other students who went on the trip were more than excited to share their unique experiences with the public.
The gallery is full of photos of all kinds of cultural aspects of India, as well as posters, games and knick-knacks the students brought back with them.
The pictures will be on display for a few weeks, so make sure to stop on by and check out those amazing photos and get your own little taste of India.