After two nights of cancelled shows due to the infamous “snowmageddon,” the Longwood University Theatre Department was finally able to put on their debut performance of “The Trojan Women” on Saturday night at 7 p.m.
As the crowd waited for the show to begin, many remarks could be heard around the theatre, complimenting the simple yet beautiful set. The setup in the CSTAC Mainstage Theatre was designed to resemble the aftermath of the Trojan War in the city of Troy around 415 B.C. With artfully painted stones, ragged cloth draped from the balcony and gory bloodstains splashed at random, the setting easily took the audience back in time.
After a short round of applause as Orchestra Director Dr. Christopher Swanson entered, the actors entered the stage and the music began to swell. The dark and eerie tones created by the small group of strings, woodwinds, brass and keyboard beautifully set the tone for the tragedy about to commence.
Keep in mind that this play is a classic, written in early 400 B.C. and originally meant for an Athenian audience. That being said, the use of classical English language was not exactly easy to understand, especially for those with little knowledge of the time period. Not to mention the fact that the songs were in Latin.
However, a lack of understanding of the languages will not keep you from understanding or enjoying the play. The actors portrayed the time period and the struggles of the women beautifully. The unnerving music and solemn vocals evoked the feelings of tragedy and sadness that correlate with the time period while also giving an accurate representation of the struggle.
These actors and actresses had not had rehearsal for two days prior to Saturday’s show, but you never would have known it. It was evident that they were diligent in rehearsing their lines, despite the setback of snow. Therefore, their lines and dialogue flowed seamlessly all around. Also, the songs were magnificent, featuring strong male and female lead voices that filled the theatre with a beautiful noise.
Audience member Jennifer Trate described her experience at the play by saying, “I couldn’t really understand the language, but that didn’t matter. The actors were able to convey an overall tone and mood. It was so amazing, and the music was beautiful.”
“The Trojan Women” will be performed again Feb. 20-22 at 7 p.m., as well as Feb. 23 at 3 p.m. Tickets for Longwood students are $6, $8 for Faculty/Staff and $10 for general admission.
This beautiful show is definitely one you don’t want to miss!