The media, particularly television, movies, newspapers, magazines, books and social media, continues to have a huge impact on college students’ daily lives.
longwood university’s third Social Justice in action leadership Summit will educate students, faculty and staff on how media relates to social justice and citizen leadership with the theme of “Social Justice in the Media” on Saturday, Feb. 22.
according to the event’s web page, the mission of the event is to “motivate and encourage students to use their experiences as citizen leaders to advocate for social justice (change) and equality on campus and throughout their perspective communities.”
Susan Sullivan, director of the university center and Student activities, said the summit is open to schools in the richmond, lynchburg and charlottesville area for the first time this year. While the summit is free to longwood university students, faculty and staff, there is a $25 charge for outside schools.
This year’s keynote speaker is dr. Maura cullen, noted diversity speaker and author of the book “35 dumb Things Well-Intended People Say: Surprising Things We Say That Widen the diversity gap.”
The summit will include keynote addresses, break-out sessions taught by cullen, university faculty and staff and outside individuals, and two meals.
Sullivan said this year’s topic is important because “what we see in the media really affects how we view the world,” whether this is “good, bad or indifferent.”
The purpose of the summit, according to Sullivan, is “bringing awareness [to the topic], and then what do you do about it then? How do you have those conversations? How do you become a better citizen?”
Sullivan elaborated, “I think it is an opportunity for students to hear, ‘What are some of the issues?’ and to also be able to give them the tools to be able to have those conversations.”
Junior Karen richardson, who attended last year’s summit on prejudice, represents the Office of diversity and Inclusion and is part of the summit’s planning committee this year. “going to the summit last year drastically changed my life,” richardson said of her experience. almost as soon as I left the summit, my eyes had been opened.”
Overall, richardson said the summit focuses on “things we don’t really think about every day, but they’re such a huge impact.”
regarding the importance of this year’s topic, richardson said, “The world is changing, and when they say ignorance is bliss that really doesn’t apply when it comes to stuff like social justice. especially with the media.”
Sullivan agreed, saying, “The world is changing every day, and we are not all the same. I think we need to be aware of that.”
Sullivan hopes the summit will give attendees “the courage and the tools to be able to make change, and, “if nothing else, to make people aware and to start some of the changes in their behavior and the words that they choose to use.”
The fact that the summit is to be held on a college campus is important because, Sullivan said, “These are the students who are going to be going on to the workforce.” richardson believes the “critical thinking” required at the summit is “perfect for the college level.”
This year’s planning committee members are Sullivan, students richardson, robin brown, Queen burrell and denise Jones, longwood dining Services Student Program Manager eric Fehr, associate director of leadership and Service learning Jen Fraley, Interim director of the Office of diversity and Inclusion (OdI) courtney addison, director of athletics academic Services Maya Ozery, assistant director for university center Operations Jonnelle davis, associate director of Fraternity and Sorority life Wolfgang acevedo, assistant director of Fraternity and Sorority life andrea Martinez, Intervarsity christian Fellowship adviser Jennifer clapp and Program coordinator of the Office of disability resources cameron Patterson.
Sponsoring offices include Office of diversity & Inclusion, Office of leadership & Service learning, university center & Student activities, Student government association, Student educators for active leadership (S.e.a.l), Student diversity & Inclusion council, national Pan-Hellenic council and Office of the President.
Students, faculty and staff can register for the summit at https://socialjusticesummit. until Wednesday, Feb. 19.