On Thursday, Februrary 27, the Resident and Commuter Life (RCL) resident assistance staff of Arc, Cox and Wheeler halls hosted the second annual Longwood’s Got Talent campus wide event.
After putting a lot of hard work into the event, the Resident Assistants were excited to host the event, which was open to the entire student body.
Junior Resident Assistant Sherrell Ashburn said, “A lot of late nights and early mornings went into planning this program, but in the end we were so proud of the outcome.”
After recruiting and tabling for acts on Brock Commons and in Dorrill Dining Hall for weeks, as well as working to grab sponsors for gift cards and other door prizes, the Resident Assistants and other members of the student body were in great anticipation for the event.
With over 700 students in attendance and a variety of acts on display, ranging from performances such as slam poetry, singing and dancing, for the second year in a row Longwood’s Got Talent attracted an enormous amount of students, faculty, and staff.
Ashburn said, “The RA's of Arc, Cox, and Wheeler would like to say thank you to all the participants and everyone who came out to support. Without you guys it would not have been possible.”
The talent show was hosted by two Resident Assistants from these staffs, and after about seven acts, Logan Miller danced his way to a first place win and went home with a brand new iPad mini.
Another part of the event included an open raffle to all students in attendance, which gave away prizes such as t-shirts and gift cards to places like the bookstore, various restaurants and even a spa kit.
Sophomore Nicole Persons said, "I loved the event. I loved all the acts, especially the singing. It was such a good event, and I can't wait for next year."
Longwood’s Got Talent is an RCL campus-wide event that focuses on spreading and promoting diversity with the Longwood and Farmville community.
It was open to all students with different talents and backgrounds and aims to bring them together for a unified, fun and entertaining evening. Ashburn said, “Longwood's Got Talent was another great success!”