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Friday, January 31, 2025

LOVEWorks Project: Town of Farmville to Fund LOVE Sculpture

   The LOVEWorks project is a juried  art competition that sponsors the  giant LOVE signs all around the  state of Virginia.  The sculptures range from white block letters to wine corks to the  usage of beach chairs. This project has hit the Town  of Farmville and they are now looking for students of Longwood University to get involved.

   Bob McDonnell, former governor  of Virginia, announced last June that the Town of Farmville was the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the Virginia Tourism Corporation grant fund.

   Farmville is known to be “The Heart of Virginia” and wants to use the culture of the town to make a unique LOVE sculpture.

   One of the goals of this project is to get students involved in the design and bridge the gap between the town and the university. The designs for this need to be submitted in either a 2-Dementional or 3-Dementional format and can be submitted by a miniature model of it or by photograph. Any material can be used to make the design of the LOVE as long as it is within the $3,000 budget for materials.

   Submissions must have information about the artist’s intent and how they are going to make their design come to life. This display will be permanent and must be able to withstand the  outdoor elements.

   If you are interested in submitting  a design, you can send an email to

   There will be multiple rounds of judging which will take place in  May and June. The entries will be judged on  how they represent the Town of  Farmville and the word LOVE has to  be prominently displayed. There is no cash rewarded or prize given for  the design; there is just recognition. LOVEWorks is going on until  April 30. A Farmville LOVEWorks  Facebook page has been created, which gives details of the project and examples of other LOVE signs.

   The location of the sign is still  being decided on, but according  to Alex Peterson, a Longwood  University student who interns for Downtown Farmville, it looks like the entrance to High Bridge Trail in Downtown is a prime location.