The Tuesday, April 8 Student Government Association (SGA) meeting began with an open forum session. A student in the gallery asked if the SGA could help fraternities and sororities who will lose their storage space when the Cunningham Residence Halls are no longer online next year find new storage space. Auditor O’Neishea Edmonds said there will most likely be a fee associated with storage space. However, she said Doug Howell, associate director for residential operations for Residential and Commuter Life, would be able to assist with this issue as well.
SGA President Haley Vest said she would address this task because she does not think the SGA should leave organizations with equipment the Senate funded without storage space.
Several senators brought up concerns about outdoor facilities. Virginia 21 Representative Brandon Kelly said one of the gravel lots in Wynn Parking Lot was extremely muddy during the rainy days this week. Senator Joe Gills said there are not a large number of emergency poles in Lancer Park. Senator Natalie Joseph added that the speed bumps in Lancer Park were damaged.
Edmonds said potholes in Longwood Village that students submitted complaints about months ago are still not filled. Another student in the gallery came forward with several complaints. He said one of his friends felt his organization was disrespected by an SGA member. He also voiced concerns about the SGA not being involved enough in diversity programming. Vest apologized for the Senate member and said she would like to speak to him privately and inform him of the diversity events the SGA sponsors and supports.
The student also expressed concerns about the SGA cutting funds from other budgets but not nearly as much from the Senate’s. However, Vest said the SGA is more discriminate with its own budget and cut a large amount this year. Edmonds reminded the student that cutting too much from the SGA budget hurts students, faculty and staff because it supports CollegiateLink, the Student Union and other resources a significant amount of Longwood community members use.
Senator Paige Rollins brought two Honor Student Association constitutional amendments to the Senate for approval. The amendments added two new positions. The motion to include the amendments passed.
On behalf of the Student Finance Committee, Senator Alex Julian moved to allocate $68.50 to the Residential and Commuter Life Advisory Board. The motion passed. Senior Class President Logan Miller appointed senior class officers, including Steven Sommer as vice president of outreach, Julian as vice president of fundraising and Edmonds as a member-at-large. The Senate approved the appointments and Vest swore the senators in as senior class officers. Vest announced that the next SGA meeting will be outside on Brock Commons at 3:45 p.m. on Tuesday, April 15 as an additional effort to reach out to more students on campus.