The final Student Government Association meeting was held Tuesday, April 22, 2014 in Lankford Student Union’s BC room. The new advisory board opened with the new members; President Joe Gills, Vice President Adam Fletcher, Treasurer Jessica Darst, Historian Ellen Kensey and newly sworn in Secretary Jacob Harvey. The first issue was a request for the library steps to be painted blue, instead of how they are now, for a new, clean look.
The Student Diversity and Inclusion organization mentioned a representative or two to attend the SGA meeting to touch base would’ve been helpful in further discussion of a new constitution. Orders of the Day began with congratulatory applause for the seniors and executive charges.
Haley Vest, former President and senior mentioned the printed grounds shoould be done over summer, and that the executive board overlooks those changes during the break. New historian, Ellen Kensey then brought on the constitutional amendments and moving to approve League Legends Club.
A senator said the “gaming club would be pointless if they are not utilizing their organization with representation as a whole, that would be more difficult.” Another senator mentioned that a gaming club has been started, but eventually dies out due to interest conflicts, unless they take under the wing of other imposing gaming clubs, it will not last through semesters.
A second Mission statement from a possible drum/dance line to allow a collaboration between the two parties also had no representation, although many senators agreed that with more representatives to speak on behalf of this collaboration and with more information the idea would defiantly be considered. The motion was to come back with more research, yet because of the final SGA meeting, had to deny motion as of now.
Concerns raising awareness for funding in the Liberal studies department added to the concerns for large groups of members as a senator pointed out it being “a big committee to do a lot of little things, finally wanting to come together and be recognized.” The conference and honors associations do not have a general group to approve the collaboration, however, they have 15 members so far. Questions regarding where the funding would come from was brought about, another senator said those would be taken care of through payment from the school. Another senator spoke on the topic that he sees it as “a dean’s advisory board, still already doing those performed duties on the same capacity, additionally extra funding would come through the department of Liberal studies itself.” The motion failed for lack of credible information.
Additionally, Alpha beta Psi is looking to come back. By getting approved by SGA as a recognized sorority and organization, SGA approves the constitution as well as being recognized by the office student handbook. A representative pointed out that all sororities and fraternities go through their own “bumps in the road- recognized or unrecognized.” Yet a senator said he was a little hesitant on how they will work with the Greek community. Virginia Tech has a lot of localized sorority issues like this, and said the organization as a whole would make sure they are following rules as other sororities are following NPC consultation. A senator answered they would be an Advocate for all students as long as they play by the rules.
Treasurer Jessica Darst spoke on the matter that “we are representatives for every member on campus who work hard,” and she wanted to make sure everyone is voting as a senator not for letters they wear outside of the office meeting. Senator Joey Siverd also spoke on the matter saying “remember the severity of this, these girls are great, I think they will help with the campus.”
Senator Nick Carrera asked the board if Gamma Psi is recognized at all. The answer was followed by President Joe Gills replying with a no. As a board and as all sororities and fraternities need to know the difference between on and off campus—“yes they want to be on campus however, not any other off campus wanted to come back or do it the right way, the way Gamma PSi is.” He also added they will need to set constitutions. A representative from Gamma Psi, Emily said, “with our history we have a relationship with gamma Psi [as a whole] –establishing themselves in the ‘80’s and brought it back in the late 90s if it makes senators of SGA uncomfortable we can take [portion] of our constitution out.” Constitution concerns are still up for discussion. The “friendly amendment” is to take out duties of President—raising concerns of its accuracy with the senate board council. However, the representatives said they will “always bring in question at chapter meetings.”
Treasurer Jessica Darst’s thoughts were to pass a constitution, as it is the last meeting of the semester and likewise, they have worked all semester towards this amendment and confirmation from SGA. They can deal with [the constitutional issues] later, but just to get approved now. “I think they shouldn’t be held back if we pass it now, with summer coming they can work on goals all summer and we don’t have a choice, they’ve worked so hard.” The motion was then called to question. Natalie Joseph said [they are], “willing to work and hear us and what we have to say, there’s a desire here, and [they always have] more options when we come back next semester.” Alpha Beta Psi’s motion was approved, followed by a round of applause and many of the representatives hugged one another in relief for being recognized as a sorority on campus.
Senator Joey Siverd mentioned Lancer Park’s normal maintance to “keep in mind, it hasn’t been fixed for issues,” and can only use money from funding given. The topic of the dining hall was also brought up by Senator Siverd, confirming the “ant problem” from last week’s meeting will be taken care of, as well as silverware and plate’s being cleaned and properly stored that can easily be taken up with staff—yet it is also in the students to clean up after themselves, not duty of staff to constantly clean large group dining. Former President Haley Vest then took stand to thank the senate and board, as well as senior committee members for their hard work during the semester.
Moving to executive charges, President Joe Gills mentioned to everyone to keep working hard and studying for final stretch during finals week and the last two weeks of this semester.
Report by Treasurer Jessica Darst moved to allocate Sigma Gamma to give $1,096 in funding to a cheaper one, yet the issue is the cheaper one is farther away from the conference. Questions for partial funding minus the $253 dollars for one of the attendees – the motion was set for $2,538– motion was passed.
Allocations for Leadership and success at the Student Union implemented that the advisory board would offer cookies, coffee, water for exam week [ free food during exam week,] and National Society for Success to hand out free gum, pencils etc. for exam week. $1,163 as well as $1,447 was set for the motion to be passed for both.
A motion was sent to thecommittee for $1,958 tobe given to Alpha Gamma Delta to have a conference in Indianapolis –required for chapter—the motion called to question that $1,958 in order for Alpha Gamma Delta to attend, motion was passed as well. Next, $3,000 was set to reallocate money left from spring weekend, asking for popcorn bags, cozies, sunglasses, “basically giveaways.”
Senator Evans was not comfortable under “giveaway” title, “a little late, and no representative, when would they give stuff away at end of semester?” Natalie Joseph spoke on the matter, “they have to order it now, I think that’s where they are coming from,” Senator Evans asked in what means and for what items do they wish to reallocate money. Treasurer Jessica Darst confirmed “office supplies to clarify.” The motion was passed in $3000 to Lancer Productions.
The last and final allocation was for $4,400 to the senior class council to play “The Hunger Games” movie, have bar tenders, pay for screening of the movie with two bar tenders for the first hour they would also have to pay for the security and have food.
A senator mentions they cannot cover for bar costs, being the bar tender costs an additional $120 dollars requesting for total $4,400 as well as bar tenders costs. The motion was passed. With closing statements from President Joe Gills, the motion was granted to end the last Student Government Association meeting for the semester, senate will reconvene at the start of the 2014 Fall semester