Student Government As-sociation (SGA)- The Student Government Association’s board meeting began with the conduct board officially sworn in. President Gills then moved to reviewing the bylaws of the Student Government’s Bylaws of Longwood’s Constitution, voting on changes for articles in SGA’s Constitutional amend-ments and articles to move and approve all structure and for-matting, while not altering any of the content of the articles. “We will not change any con-tent whatsoever, just changing every section of articles into the right documents,” President Gills clarified. The board voted on the specific section of each article into the right document and tiers, approving and revis-ing the structure under which the document sat. After moving to pass changes in formatting of article 1, specified sections, changes were added from moving 12 mem-bers to 13 members, as Vice Treasurer was not present at the meetings. The number changed form 12 to 13 to make sure the extra person still had a vote. The motion was passed.
President Gills moved to amend article 1 section 2, stat-ing “this section came from a section lower down in the document, and it served better purpose above,” said President Gills. The Article moved to update yearly. Next, articles and sections were voted upon as FCC and audits, as well as accurate finan-cial records were to be specified in the correction articles. All motions were passed. President Gills again moved to amend article 2 section 2; an amendment calling into questions the degree of sports counsel. Additional minor changes to the articles were moved to pass motions for the rest of the reviewed bylaws. “This meeting will be the question and answer meeting,” President Gills said, adding that this meeting is mandatory for all FCC members called into SGA related board meetings “so you are required to attend all FCC/SGA meetings on board.” A senator additionally added that although briefly discussed last week, under article 4, The Constitution revises matter on money SGA cannot give away, although the section states what the SGA cannot pay for. Certain events as Lancer Productions and the Big Event have needed to make money on t-shirt pay-ments. The senators added that although not a uniform, events such as Lancer Productions and the Big Event find it important to wear t-shirts. Treasurer Darst added, “that is something we will go over in detail, but to vote on it now is not necessary to happen.” President Gills then added, “we will have to have a discus-sion at some point, however we cannot allocate any more money at this point, I will enforce power of the bylaws if I need to.” The board then moved to is-sues surrounding campus life as well as building and educational importances. Treasurer Darst began by pointing out in certain classroom buildings, “someone could fix clocks in class. It can be hard to watch the clock when it’s off.”
Doorways in the Stubbs resi-dence hall were also discussed, as sororities were wondering if they would be able to paint inside of the doorways. Discus-sion was kept without voting on a finalized answer just yet. Mr. Tim Pierson added, “absolutely looking for feedback,” for issues on campus life. Commutor parking spots were discussed, as they are filling up quickly. Senators questioned if the extra faculty parking lot could be used for commuters as well. They were, however, anticipating new com-mutes for on-campus parking. Incidents arose on the subject matter of Lancer Park; when campus police were called upon, Farmville police were sent. RA’s in Lancer Park reported issue, in discussion. Mr. Tim Pierson responded, “what’s happens, since we added villages, usually two officers are on duty, and if they get a call to lancer park, it zaps their time, so police want a plan to put in place, it decreased response time.” Pierson then offered to let RA’s make note of the time and remind them to file the incident report and no-tify campus police. A point was made that the incident involved alcohol, so response time for this incident was vital. “We have concurrent juris-diction with Farmville. We have limited officers, so we’re
running into those situations,” Pierson added. Air Conditioning in the din-ing hall was also pointed out as coming on and off. It is being looked into how to fix it. Sena-tor Walker added on a positive note for music in the dining hall seems to make the atmo-sphere more fun. “Keep that up, because it seems to be a good thing and fun for everyone.” Going back to incidents taken place at the Village, to prevent any alcohol related issues with driving, senators agreed that talks of a street light between Sheetz and the Village could be discussed further in detail to prevent accidents during evenings. Time Pierson added that the board and senators are to docu-ment issues for further discus-sion and votes. Senator Joseph spoke, “I went to the pod, and was very happy with the customer service, they were amazing people. I don’t re-member getting service like that on campus, so I would just like to make note and give recogni-tion to that.” The board closed with alloca-tions, as well as a private and closed discussion.