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The Rotunda
Friday, January 31, 2025

SGA Briefs

Special meal plans and parking permits for graduate students were discussed at this week’s SGA meeting.

Complaints were brought up regarding service in the student union. Poor cashier service, as well as wait line confusion, were some problems that had been brought up.

Aramark has “taken back cleaning for the bathroom” at Java City. They have recently added a new soap dispenser and light fixtures.

Trash overflow is occurring at the Landing apartments, as well as in Curry & Frasier residence halls. Complaints have arisen, including cans over flowing and trash shoots becoming clogged. The solution of removing cans outside of these buildings was mentioned, but not voted on. Members mentioned putting rules in place about usage of these units that would prevent such problems.

Usage of the FAB buses was also brought up. Certain members suggested the addition of another one to two buses to combat the heavy usage of the vehicles. Aside from overcrowding, scheduling was a second issue talked about regarding the buses.

South Ruffner, as well as Kraft house, were two places discussed during the meeting this week. It was brought to the board’s attention that there are a lack of lights in these areas. Some RA’s have admitted that they are uncomfortable doing their rounds, especially after the recent robbery.

Tim Pierson said that on Nov. 16 there will be a safety walk, but also mentioned scheduling one sooner than that.

Certain members are meeting with a university auditor in upcoming weeks to help plan budgets for campus organizations.

Plans for Halloween and Oktoberfest were brought up. A flyer was presented and voted on regarding offensive costumes and wording was discussed.