The Student Government Association (SGA) meeting began with the Rowe Award being given to Freshman Class Representative, Dustyn Hall.
Treasurer Jessica Darst spoke on open forum with an idea of a possible coffee machine being added in Outta Here.
Senator Leighan Worden commenced the Orders of the Day, speaking of a possible idea of a farmers market with available vendors coming to campus once a week, or every so often.
R.C.L representative Savannah Barnett discussed having “campus cookies,” as many Virginia universities do. Home baked cookies would be delivered to students on campus.
Last Thursday, Oct. 23, President Joseph Gills visited the White House, speaking on the “It’s On Us” campaign to help promote bystander intervention and sexual assault awareness. Gills also stated that he has reached out to Greek life on campus fraternity and sorority life to help bring awareness to the campaign.
The Truck-or-Treat event will be from 2–4 pm behind the Student Union on Wednesday, Oct. 29.
Also, a vigil for Hannah Graham will be this Thursday, Oct. 30 at 8pm on Wheeler lawn.
Moving on to the Historian’s report, Ellen Kensy called to approve Alpha Chi Rho coming back on campus. They’ve gone through fraternity and sorority life and have amended their constitution to begin the process of recruitment.
The Karate Club, that teaches self-defense, is looking to approve the constitution of the club. Darst questioned the notion of self-defense, and considered the idea to be more for FCC approval.
The Karate club does not currently have a campus advisor. Being so, Senior Class President Paige Rollins did not think that it was fair to go against club council.
The senate board discussed the “benefits” if approval was given for the club. The self-defense karate club idea is to bring people from different disciplines together and teach self-defense. Motion passes to approve constitution of the Karate club.
Darst began allocations of giving $73.13 to the SGA Spirit Committee who asked for money to get orange ribbons and safety pins in honor of Hannah Graham that could be warm at her vigil. LUPD are also working on a location app after hearing her story. Gills added that it would be a great opportunity to add for the Campus Safety Walk. Motion passes.
Issues arose over the WMLU radio station. Darst stated that the issue of WMLU keeps coming up at each meeting, and “needs to be put in [the] bylaws.”
The amendment is asking that organizations put in a request for DJing organizational events. Barnett added that WMLU has not shown up to the board meetings, as representatives. She then added to hold off on the motion due to the unreliability for the time being. However, they moved to approve SGA bylaws for music funded by WMLU, motion passed.
Dr. Tim Pierson suggested that it is important to have WMLU attend SGA meetings and upcoming events. Dr. Pierson also stated that he is working at improving hours of facilities that are open on snow days. “We are also encouraging faculty to have planned ahead of time,” Pierson said.
Chief Robert Beach of the LUPD spoke on issues regarding the FAB during snow and harsh weather conditions. He questioned if the FAB would still run, but it “is up to them.” Beach added that the FAB tries to give an hour’s notice.