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Friday, January 31, 2025

Longwood Title IX Reports Skyrocket

According to Longwood Vice President of Student Affairs Tim Pierson, there have been over 40 reports involving issues of Title IX during the fall 2014 semester. Pierson said the entire 2013-14 school year brought forward only 36 reports total.

Though there are more reports, Pierson said they fully expected it coming into the year.

“We absolutely expected that number to go up before it went down,” said Pierson. “Everybody’s numbers are up across the commonwealth, and across the country. This year we are going through an increased level of awareness about this issue,” Pierson said. “There is a higher level of awareness nationally about this, but Longwood has been keeping pace with the issue and pushing ahead with all the educational things. I think MyStudentBody, even though there was controversy on it, raises the conversation.”

Title IX, which some know for the difference it has made in sports, generally speaks to equal opportunity, including sexual conduct. “If someone has been assaulted or violated and that person is fearful of living everyday life, no longer is equality accessible to them,” Pierson said. “That is why it falls under Title IX.”

“Under the umbrella of Title IX behaviors, we have had all types of reports,” said Jen Fraley, director of Student Conduct and Integrity, and the university’s new Title IX Coordinator. “From sexual assault, stalking, retaliation and rape we have received all types of notice,” she added.

Fraley believes a big part of the increase in reports has come from legislation, such as the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE). “It says you have to train all of your staff members to be responsible employees,” Fraley said in reference to the act. “They have an obligation to notify someone of Title IX issues they hear about.”

Fraley said this past summer a Title IX hearing board was established specifically for those types of cases, in an attempt by the university to take a firm stance on how the cases would be dealt with. “It is about us being proactive in saying ‘this is not acceptable at Longwood,’” Fraley said.

Pierson said he feels people are more aware of their resources this

semester, which directly relates to the spike in reports. “We have every faculty member, every staff and residential assistant educated. We have folks that know they have to report; I have also seen more students come forward as well.”

Pierson also made a point to say he believes Fraley taking on the role of Longwood’s Title IX Coordinator has directly affected the amount of students who have come forward. “Because of her position as Integrity Coordinator, I think there is a greater level of familiarity,” he said.

According to Pierson, one-in-five college students will experience some form of sexual misconduct over their college careers, and he has seen numbers as high as 28 percent.

Pierson said there are 85 universities across the country that are under investigation by the Department of Education for Title IX issues at the moment, but stated Longwood wasn’t one of them. “There is not only greater awareness, there is greater emphasis on doing it correctly,” he said. “I think when you have that kind of pressure for one wants to get sued. It is an issue that needed to be addressed in a different way.”

He added, “I think any school can be under investigation. These things are very complicated. When someone goes through the trauma of an assault, it is unpredictable to that person how they will feel.”

Pierson said the next step is making a difference in the culture of the University. “I think the what’s next is improving campus climate; just more responsible behavior. For folks to say ‘this is not okay’ and for them to not think they have to stand in a corner over an issue.”

Fraley made it clear the issue wouldn’t be solved overnight. “It is tough to change a culture,” she said. “For those cases to go down, it starts with education, it is a culture change. We are in a unique position at a university. Our culture is always changing, so we will never get to a point where we will stop educating people. It will take time to have its full affect.”