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Friday, January 31, 2025

SGA Closing Thoughts on Fall Semester


Senior class representative Paige Rollins and freshmen class representative Dustyn Hall diligently take down notes on issues being addressed.  

The Student Government Association’s (SGA) Student Finance Committee (SFC) report moved to allocate $8,550 to Lancer Productions for putting funds “to better use” for monthly events, Treasurer Jessica Darst explained. Motion passed.

Money allocations set for $320.94 for the lighting of the Christmas tree displayed in Ruffner were also passed.

Darst discussed budgeting. She created time for money budgets SGA votes on for “new and upcoming organizations,” and scheduling time for debriefing and briefing where organizations can come to speak and answer questions. Darst will keep a running total for future budgets set by SGA.

Open Forum began as Darst brought up the idea for seniors to decorate fencing near Wheeler lawn as a senior send off.

Freshman class representative, Dustyn Hall, said complaints on the basement floor of Ruffner where it seems to be over heated, as well as multiple washers in Curry have continued to have issues. Senator Constance Garner advised to make a report to RA to get a work order put in.

The internet provider Shentel added another service provider so it will be able to be used in the Greenwood library. Shentel representatives will also come to speak with SGA Dec. 2.

Moving on to the Executive Report, President Joseph Gills made edits to the Constitution, stating that at the beginning of next semester SGA will send out a campus wide email on changes to SGA’s Constitution.

Gills announced that SGA will be promoting the It’s On Us campaign, bringing awareness to bystander and sexual assault campaign. Gills said they will be “working with IFC to put together an event.”

On Thursday Nov. 20 at 4pm in the Ballroom an event centered around Sexual Assault prevention will be hosted.

Representative Hannah Fielder questioned Longwood University’s tuition money going towards athletics, as Longwood has one of the highest rates of money towards athletics. Concerns were raised because Longwood is one of the few in-state universities without a football team.

Three out of fifteen four-year public institutions in Virginia do not have football teams.

Dr. Tim Pierson clarified that the athletics fee is “not part of your tuition,” those tuition fees go towards academics. Dr. Pierson added, “We do have one of the larger fees in the country.” Given this perspective, athletics tie into the “entire experience of Longwood.” Pierson said around 200 Longwood athletic select students get scholarship money and also feed into academics.

Dr. Pierson also spoke on key items of this fall’s 2014 semester. A few campus issues often discussed include demands for services such as counseling, facilities, dining and Title IX.

Dr. Pierson addressed the Cunninghams coming down as the “spirit of Longwood,” where many students past dorm rooms are coming down. However, regarding Upchurch, the design of “the building to come has great possibilities.”

Pierson’s last comment advised all students during this time of year to “make sure you finish strong.”

Senior class representative Paige Rollins and freshmen class representative Dustyn Hall diligently take down notes on issues being addressed.