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The Rotunda
Friday, January 31, 2025

The Longwood University Emergency Response Team Update

The Longwood University Emergen- cy Response Team (LUERT) has been under investigation since September 2014.

“The LUERT was recently accused by the Longwood Police Department [for] possessing dangerous equip- ment,” said the LUERT Captain Corey Davis in a press release. “Specifically three smaller-sized oxygen cylinders.”

According to Davis, the LUPD also stated that they were not in compli- ance with Section 16, Subsection A of the Student Handbook which states: “16. Flammable Items: a. Possessing, lighting or burning candles, incense, oil lamps, lanterns, grills or any item/device capable of producing an open or enclosed/contained flame in any residence hall or Longwood owned or controlled property, except when such use is consistent with existing policies or written permission is provided by the Vice resident for Student Affairs.”

“It was because of this accusation that LUERT was placed on temporary suspension pending an investigation and hearing,” said Davis. “However, the administrative hearing held Tues- day, Nov. 4, at 12:45 p.m. has found LUERT not responsible.”

According to Davis, the LUERT con- tinues to operate in accordance with Longwood policy and procedure and strives to promote safety within our organization as well as campus wide.