On Jan. 5, the former Chief of Police, Doug Mooney, officially retired after providing five years of service, leaving the position vacant until a replacement takes over permanently.
“The police chief position was advertised in local and state-wide publications with an application deadline,” said David E. Whitus, Mayor of Farmville. “It was also in some specific trade/police publications.”
Whitus made it clear that the process of finding a new police chief is challenging because so many desire the position. According to Whitus the town had over 50 applications to be reviewed by the Personnel Committee of town council, and needed to select those to be interviewed.
“The interviews were conducted in early January, and narrowed down to five applicants,” said Whitus. “Those five applicants will be interviewed by Town Council as a whole in early February, and the finalist will have background checks performed and hopefully a new chief will be appointed by Council in March.”
According to Whitus, because it is a personnel decision, the names of the applicants cannot be released and the interviews are conducted in closed session of council so it will remain confidential.
“Farmville is very fortunate to have such a large pool of interested applicants for the position of police chief,” says Whitus.
Andy Ellington, is now acting chief for the Farmville Police Department until a new chief of police is appointed.