The Student Government Association (SGA) began the senate meeting with discussion for Longwood’s LiveSafe app “Longwood’s Got Your Back” – the coaster slogan was approved.
Updates and changes to the Student Finance Committee (SFC) bylaws were discussed. President Joseph Gills explained the audit “they’re approved it,” process was to begin this semester. “When we allocate funds, the funds have to benefit Longwood students,” said Gills. It was explained that funds are to go to the executive boards.
Wolfgang Acevedo, Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life spoke on behalf of Greek life, “isn’t necessarily saying no Greeks could get funding,” said Acevedo, it is explaining that counsels could fund. Senate agreed upon they cannot fund to send every organization to go to their conferences.
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) attended the senate meeting, speaking and expressing their need for certification for conferences. “I am glad we are getting this feedback now,” said Gills, who moved to table the amendment for funding to a later time, adding the importance to fix the amendment by the end of this semester. Motion passes to table the amendment.
Moving into new business, Treasurer Jessica Darst went over budgets and the process for SGA budgeting, and explained how the cut process will be conducted quicker than in the past, “cutting the process down in half,” said Darst.
Next, Press secretary Victoria Walker presented the ROW award to Treasurer Darst.
S.A.A.C. Representative Hannah Fielder began Open forum explaining the parking spots near Curry and Frazer used to be used by commuter parking is now empty, and seems that not many are using that parking space, and if something could be done.
Representative Fielder also mentioned under course selections, a course titled “World Religions” is available, yet there is no course here that has been offered, “in years.”
The majority of the senate agreed on additional parking for students commuting from The Village, and considered to contact Chief Robert Beach, Longwood University Police Department.
Senator India White commented on the success of the MLK challenge on Monday, “it was really good,” and asked if SGA would send an appreciation, thank you letter for the event.
Continuing open forum, two windows on campus buildings have been “shattered,” one in the Health and Fitness center, and one in the CSTAC building. Both have been looked into for fixing.
Moving into Orders of the Day, President Gills explained the Faculty senate would be voting on the commencement requirements this Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015. Voting will take place on the second floor of the Greenwood Library at 3pm. Next Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 Longwood will hold a vigil for Riley Cole. President Gills discussed his idea to purchase a bike rack on campus in dedication of Riley.
Dr. Tim Pierson’s closing report included the response of the MLK challenge on Monday, “MLK [challenge] was the largest we’ve had in memory, it was very well done and received a lot of groups were there,” said Pierson. Dr. Pierson added that many events at Longwood “really make a difference in the community.”
Dr. Pierson also commented on weather related issues for the next coming month stating, “we will try to have consistent hours with everything that is open,” and added the e2Campus will always keep students informed regularly.
The LiveSafe app will help give campus police information on “exactly where you are,” for an emergency.
Announcements include Friday, Jan. 23, 2015 in the student union ballroom, Batman: The Dark Knight Rises will play at 8pm.
Senior Class President, Paige Rollins announced a formal invitation to Executive Senator, Natalie Joseph to become a member of Mortar Board, Longwood’s National College Senior Honor Society.
The senior class will be selling plaques of floorboards from the Cunninghams for anyone who wishes to keep a remembrance of the residence building.
SGA senate board moved to closed forum.