The sky was overcast and rain had just begun to fall, setting the mood for what was going to be a somber day. Members of Lambda Pi Eta, the communications honor society, were busy setting up for the inaugural event they will host every year, Out of the Darkness Walk.
This event is in dedication of those affected by suicide; according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) suicide claimed 41,149 lives in 2013 in the U.S.
Members were excited and nervous to see what the turn out would be like considering the weather but the participants showed up in droves. There were 91 registered walkers who raised a total of $1,836 for the AFSP on March 14, 2015.
There were two event leaders for the walk, Mason Ramsey and Anne Wilson; both were a large part of making this event a reality.
I spoke with Ramsey who is a huge advocate for suicide prevention and awareness. Ramsey lost his brother Jackson Ramsey who was 16 years old at the time of taking his own life.
“I have had three people in my immediate family who have taken their life it is a very important subject to me,” Ramsey said. “The Longwood University campus has been impacted [by suicide] the past couple of years.”
Ramsey’s mother Shirley Ramsey is also heavily involved with the Out of the Darkness Walks. She is the co-chair in Richmond and helps facilitate the Survivors of Suicide Loss in Richmond.
Shirley Ramsey spoke in front of the walk participants about how she had lost five family members all to suicide. It was apparent that not a single person stood unmoved after the conclusion of her speech.
I also volunteered to share about my personal experiences. I am a part of Lambda Pi Eta and I too have been impacted by suicide in my life. *For the sake of my family’s privacy names have been altered.
I have never openly spoken about ‘Marisa’ to more than my close friends. However, I knew if I could help one person in the crowd or if her story could reach someone in need it would be worth it.
Speaking on a topic like this does not require planning but it did require pouring my soul out in front of a crowd of strangers with my closest friends also there to support me.
When it came time for me to speak I went up to the lectern and put my heart out on the line. I talked about how ‘Marisa’ had two beautiful children who were left behind. Although they were not truly left behind because, they were adopted into her younger sister’s family.
I love those two kids more than words can describe. I can still hear ‘Marisa’s’ voice in them and see her features embodied in theirs as they grow up.
I finished speaking with a quote that I hold near and dear to my heart. I told the participants remember these words, “I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar” for even when a leaf falls off a tree it can still soar in the wind.
After I stepped away from the lectern all of my emotions rushed through me. People thanked me for speaking but I was just thankful I was able to share my family’s story with everyone.
After the walk I called my relative ‘Frank’ who is the father of ‘Marisa’. I was surprised when someone else picked up the phone and answered instead of ‘Frank’. It was ‘Marisa’s’ youngest daughter. I recognized her voice but I couldn’t place it, when she handed the phone over to ‘Frank’ he told me I was speaking to ‘Marisa’s’ daughter.
I almost broke down right then and there, I told him I participated in the Out of the Darkness Walk and that I spoke about ‘Marisa’. ‘Frank’ proceeded to thank me for honoring her memory by sharing her story.
The Out of the Darkness Walk is something I will never forget for the rest of my life. Like the Ramsey family I plan to do more to raise awareness in the future. If I can help just one person or be there for someone it will always be worth it.