The Student Government Association’s weekly meeting began with allocations, first passing motion of re-allocations to Resident and Commuter Life conference funding of $812.74.
SGA money allocations passed $300 in funding for snacks to be provided during finals week at Greenwood library event, Fort Finals.
The presentation of the ROW award was given to Leighan Worden this week.
Virginia 21 representative, spoke to discuss their organization’s work that encourages young people to discusses issues, college affordability, jobs after graduation, registering to vote and leadership institution policy training. The nonpartisan organization works on addressing college campus issues.
The Black Student Association (BSA), addressed concerns in regards to the hate crime incidents that occurred in Curry residence hall over the spring break period.
Delonte Harrison, BSA President, addressed the hate crime, and felt campus has not addressed that incident, stating that SGA should address issues in a statement.
Jonathan Page, Director for Citizen Leadership and Social Justice Education, spoke with SGA on behalf of what was done once the incident was reported.
Page stated a parent had seen racial slurs posted on a bulletin board of the sixth floor of Curry hall. The council immediately went to the location, in which the statements were removed beforehand; however, students who witnessed seeing the racial slurs on the bulletin, then filled out biased incident reports.
The statement of the incident reports, were then issued to the campus community, that the incidents of these hate crimes are “not what we believe,” of the Longwood community.
Page discussed that following the incident reports, training of the entire RA Curry staff, was implemented.
Page also discussed the issue that the slurs were posted for a period of days, before a report was made.
President Joseph Gills stated, SGA “defiantly needs to address the issue,” and that this is the first time the issue was brought to the senate board meeting. Gills spoke on behalf of the Diversity and Inclusion committee of SGA, that “has been working hard to promote bias incident forms,” reminding students that committee’s are open to all Longwood students, not just senate members. Gills also reminded students that SGA’s open forum is for all of Longwood students to come and address concerns to the Senate board, in order to discuss and focus on how to actively address a campus issue.
Senator India White addressed how little her Diversity and Inclusion staff in SGA is, and more support for the committee within SGA, would be needed, in order to move forward in campaign to address concerns.
Senator Constance Garner considered: SGA needs to discuss, and actively do something, on the concerns of these recent events.
Senator Chyanne Trowell, stated in order to do so, keeping the momentum of the recent incidents, and including other committee’s and organizations on campus, to bring awareness to the incidents.
Dr. Tim Pierson said, contact was made to the President’s office, Josh Blakely, Director of Residence Life and Jonathan Page, after the incident was reported.
Page also stated that, currently training of the staff involved is taking place, conducted by Josh Blakely, and that RA training is open to campus, that continues regularly; however, staff training took place immediately following the incident reports in Curry.
Dr. Pierson discussed the protocol, and level of responses following an incident report, and stated, “We have an Honor Code that includes everybody.”
Senator Trowell advised students to make sure to follow up with the report.
Senator Constance Garner stated, “today is a big stepping point for us,” and offered that, SGA combine with BSA to include New Lancer Days of Diversity and Inclusion.
President Gills addressed that SGA will meet with BSA to continue talks of a plan of action, and will need to continue discussion.
April 8 in Wygal at 7pm will hold a Police Brutality Open Forum event on profiling, with campus police. They will focus on students building communities, specifically Longwood students, to build healthy communication with both on campus and community police.
President Gills made closing statements that next SGA’s meeting April 7, will speak with Title IX faculty, Jennifer Fraley, Longwood’s Title IX Coordinator, Director of Student Conduct and Integrity, will come as representative in discussion.
Senator Hannah Fielder spoke during announcements that Teacher Prep has moved the GPA requirement up from 2.5 to 3.0, as students will be held off from participation until requirements are met.
The bike rack in memory of Riley Cole is outside Wheeler.