SGA began with the Student Finance Committee report from Treasurer Jessica Darst. Darst made a motion to allocate $10,250 to CPC, IFC, NPHC, LP for an Educational and Skills training Programs.
“This allocation would allow 15 students or staff to get certified in “Psycho-Geometrics,” said Jessica Hamilton. “We are up in the air on how to select students so leaning towards professors so that they can take advantage of the five year license.”
Senator Hamilton explained how this program allows you to learn aboutfive different personalities and how to work best with each different personality so you can communicate better.
There was discussion about a possible application process in deciding who will be eligible for this certification.
“This could take the place of retreats since we don’t fund them,” said Treasurer Darst.
Darst discussed how this Thursday at 6:00pm is the last Student Finance Committee meeting of the year.
Following the SFC report the ROW Award was awarded to Senator Dillon Yonker by Senator Bailey Rice.
In Open Forum, Senator Worden discussed a parking issue involving Longwood Police and suggested clarification between parking services and the police.
Worden brought up the library’s many announcements about closing time and how it causes disruptions when librarians ask 20 minutes before closing if the individual is “finishing up” and asked if the issue could be addressed.
Orders of the day with President Joe Gills began with Gills thanking Senate for a great year and informing everyone that next week the new executive board will be taking over.
Gills made solemn remarks about AJ.
“It is really hard to hear that news. Executive Senator Joseph and I have been working hard to put together a little service on campus,” said Gills. “An official announcement will come out Wednesday.”
The SGA is working with Sports Club Council and the administration on campus to try and put this event on.
Gills made remarks on how the last interview for the SGA’s new fiscal technician took place today. The announcement will come later this week.
According to Gills, members of SGA and BSA went to Longwood Faculty Senate last week in hope to receive assistance in response to the Curry hate crime.
Senator Garner went to the meeting with the President of BSA and the President of the NAACP along with SGA executive board members.
“It was really well received,” said Garner. “They immediately wanted to help with programs, their biggest comment is that we make sure that this extends into next year.”
According to Gills, President Reveley is meeting with members of BSA, SGA, and other organizations this Thursday on how the university can truly address the racial issue.
Two constitutions were approved in the Historian’s Report: the Quiz Bowl Constitution and the Harry Potter Club Constitution.
According to Senator Burns, the “Quiz Bowl” is an academic quizzing club where a four person team competes with other schools in an academic trivia competition.
Harry Potter Club will be getting involved in the community with children and will be raising money for children in the community.
This week’s SGA meeting was concluded with President Gills’ Executive Charge.
“Please attend the memorial service next week for AJ and it would mean a lot for SGA to attend,” said Gills. “Work hard to finish the semester strong, I know until here on out until the last day of classes”
Worden moved to adjourn at 4:28 p.m.