In the month of September, Longwood University and Hampden-Sydney’s Chi Alpha ministry recorded a weekly average of 140 members in attendance at their meetings, skyrocketing them into the position as one of the largest formal organizations on campus, according to Tech Team Leader Natalee Rombough.
According to their website, their weekly meetings are held in Jeffers Auditorium, but with the occupancy limit around 200, they’ll need to move into the largest campus auditorium, Jarman Hall, to meet their profusion of members, according to Director Jenny McIntosh. Jarman Hall will allow the organization to expand into 1,048 seats.
McIntosh says that last fall’s attendance peaked around 45 members and reached about 80 members at the end of the spring semester. The previous director, Alvin Thomas, began with five members in 2013, according to McIntosh.
“We've been praying all summer for our attendance to increase and to see students, from both campuses, come to Christ. Plain and simple, it's absolutely amazing to see the way God is answering our prayers,” Rombough stated.
Longwood’s Chi Alpha ministry is a co-organization with Hampden-Sydney College and produced by New Life Church, which is located approximately seven miles off campus. New Life Church’s website identifies the organization as “designed to offer… a connection point to other young adults who are seeking God, as well as a connection point to God Himself. Tuesday night services offer a time of worship, growth and community.”
“Our weekly Tuesday night [Chi Alpha] service is our big gathering. We are diligent to create an atmosphere of family, love and authentic worship… I come prepared to speak the Bible in a practical, inspiring and passionate way that motivates and encourages,” McIntosh said.
Rombough says that many efforts have been made by the organization to increase their outreach on both campuses, and they are working to stay active on their social media outlets. “We must come up with new ways to continue to make sure that everyone knows that when they join Chi Alpha, they are a part of a family, not just another organization,” said Ryan Kiraly, Longwood and Hampden-Sydney Chi Alpha Intern.
“We have weekly outreaches on both campuses, inviting students to [Chi Alpha]. We offer small group Bible studies that meet around campus. We find practical ways to serve whole-heartedly on the campuses and in our community. We have fun activities like volleyball, bonfires, retreats, and much more,” McIntosh said.
As part of their expansion plans, the Chi Alpha House, located on Second Street in downtown Farmville, had its grand opening last year. According to McIntosh, the new space was renovated to hold outreach group meetings, events and provide a comfortable place for weekly morning prayers, which happen at 6:30 a.m., five to six times a week.
Additionally, New Life Church has just begun a program titled “Adopt a College Student.” McIntosh described the program as 20 students being “adopted” by families within the church, where they will be invited to dinners and events as well as have support at their campus events and overall encouragement.
“It is such a blessing to see this ministry flourish and to literally see lives change each week,” said Longwood and Hampden-Sydney Chi Alpha Intern Taylor Sims.
There are currently 312 national chapters of Chi Alpha ministries, according to the national Chi Alpha Ministry website, including schools like the University of Virginia and Radford University.
Radford University’s Chi Alpha spokesperson, Wes Childress, says their chapter is just beginning, with around 25-30 members and rising, while Josh Farchild, the University of Virginia’s Chi Alpha spokesperson, said that their chapter has around 450 members attending their large group congregation.
On the contrary to this phenomenon, a survey done by the Pew Research Center shows a decline in millennial’s affiliation with religious groups and denominations with 35% claiming no affiliation of any kind, according to a recent article in USA TODAY. An article by the Huffington Post examines similar research that “… found that Millennials were less likely to attend services, less likely to say religion was important in their lives, and less approving of religious organizations…”
New Life Church and the Longwood and Hampden-Sydney Chi Alpha are challenging these statistics. McIntosh stated that when she and her family arrived at New Life two years ago, there were about 20 students attending Sunday service. Now there are around 60 to 80 every Sunday. “We believe the young adults should be leading the church, not leaving the church,” she says.
“When you walk into Jeffers… on a Tuesday night, it doesn't feel like you're walking into a church service… because you're not; you're walking into a new family who loves you regardless of any circumstance you find yourself in,” says Rombough.