Farmville’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7059 has teamed up with the Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Hospital in Richmond, Virginia to provide much needed items for our military veterans.
At a recent VFW Post 7059 meeting, Post member and veteran Tom Hicks stressed the fact that the number of homeless veterans is increasing at an alarming rate and now the number of female veterans is increasing as well. Hicks said a recent visit to the Richmond VA hospital revealed that the VA needs basic items that we, as citizens, take for granted.
Our brave military men and women serve our country with a pledge to keep this country free so we can enjoy the freedoms we have every day. If you would like to donate to a worthy cause, you can drop the items listed below at the VFW Post.
The items listed below are in dire need:
Hygiene Products:
- Toothpaste
- Razors and shaving crème
- Tampons/Maxi pads/mini pads
- Wipes
- Hand sanitizers
- Hand warmers
- Socks
- Underwear - medium and large sizes
- T-Shirts – medium and large sizes
- Sweatshirts and sweatpants – medium and large sizes
- Shower shoes
- Gloves
- Stocking caps
- Granola bars
- Trail mix
- Packages of crackers
- Top Ramen or other easy prep soups
- Boxes of raisins
- Beef jerky