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The Rotunda
Thursday, January 30, 2025

SGA Brief

This week’s SGA meeting began with Parking Services representative, Laura Rice, who addressed parking issues. Vice President Harvey requested that senators only read questions that were written on sticky notes which were placed on random senators’ weekly agendas.

Rice was well-prepared for these questions and answered them without hesitation. Although helpful, the questions only covered a small spectrum of issues within the time allotted.

Questions were again raised such as, ‘Can faculty parking lots become commuter parking lots after 5:30 p.m. such as Hiner Lot?’ She responded that even if that became an ability, it would only include approximately 10 spaces because that particular lot includes handicap spaces and vans.

Another question brought to Rice’s attention was the percentage of appeals that pass. She stated that 30 approximate appeals were received a week. 30 percent of those appeals are approved a week, leaving 70 percent to be reduced or denied.

Rice continued to give examples of what would be considered for appeal, saying that students who have a medical emergency which can be backed with documentation could possibly appeal a ticket successfully.

When the question was raised regarding alumni still receiving parking tickets, Rice responded saying that the university must have been unaware that those individuals had graduated and that alumni is responsible for informing Parking Services that they are no longer students and are planning on coming back to visit the university.

If alumni do not do this, chances of getting a ticket are high but the appeal process applies to them as well.

SGA members inquired if financial aid could be used to purchase parking passes. Rice said that students are able to pay for passes with refund checks and would be given a temporary pass that would expire on a certain date.

Commuter lots have seemed to be a hot topic for many students with the general lack of spots available. Rice says the lots that are convenient, such as Cox Lot, are often filled, while other less convenient lots, such as Randolph Lot and Virginia St. Lot, have hardly any cars occupying them.

Rice made it clear that “Everyone has to have a permit to park on campus…”

She noted that that the cost of the parking passes has not changed in 10 years. The money gained from the decal sales and parking tickets is used towards painting, signage, salt in the winter, paint-striping machine, and maintenance of lots owned by the university. The leftover funds go into a reserve fund that are used in emergencies that involve parking on campus.

Rice also addressed the needs for more buses for students located in Longwood Village housing. She said that she would bring this need to the attention of FAB services, along with discussing it with the town and administration.

In the Student Finance Committee report, many organizations reached out for funding.

The Pride organization was approved for funds in the amount of $70 from SGA to fund Pride Week. The hopes of the event are to bring more representation here on campus, as well as more events to take place in the future. The banner would be used for handprints by any and all students to show support for the cause.

Lambda Alpha was approved to receive a fund of $200.96 from SGA for a trip to Mt. Vernon for a trip to archaeologically assist with surveying the slave cemetery.

Lastly, a student approached SGA to seek partial sponsorship for a POWWOW that is taking place on Oct. 17 on Iler Field from noon to 5:00pm. The SGA executive board agreed to giving $1,500 towards drummers, dancers and singers in this celebration of Native American culture. The motion was passed.

SFC bylaw, Article 1, Section IX, was approved and will be effective immediately.

“If an organization fails to meet the necessary requirements to remain recognized for a semester, any monies allocated to that organization prior can be reallocated to any other organization if SFC finds it appropriate.”