This week’s SGA meeting focused a lot of attention on the issues surrounding the Student Finance Committee (SFC) on whether or not they can fund food to certain organizations. It was proposed by SGA Treasurer Jessica Darst to add a bylaw to Section 5 stating what SFC will not fund food.
This bylaw would be allowed to be overturned in the future for those successful productions that, with the addition of food, would be more successful.
The main concern this proposed bylaw addresses is that organizations are seeking food allocations from SFC on a weekly basis and SFC are unable to allocate funds. If this bylaw were to pass, it would open the door for other organizations that became popular in the future.
The bylaw would allow for some flexibility with a special list of those would be allowed to seek funds from SFC for food. Those organizations that the members of SGA felt needed to have the funding for food were Residential and Commuter Life, Mortar Board, Lancer Productions, Senior Class Council, and SGA.
It would be at the discretion of the SFC as well as the Senate to decide whether or not an organization or event was eligible of the financial allocation for food.
In addition to this bylaw, those organizations that received funds either in the spring or fall of 2015 would not be affected.
This bylaw will be voted on at next week’s meeting by SGA.
Due to the rising questions in regard to the library, there will be questions brought to the Dean of the Library’s attention next week via email by the SGA. Some of the questions brought up by SGA members were ‘Can the cleaning staff come in the afternoon as well as the mornings?’, ‘Can Photoshop be placed back on the Mac computers in the library?’, and ‘Can more power strips be placed in heavy populated areas such as group study?’.
One member spoke in regard to his recent encounter with the library staff in reference to the library’s hours. The member had noted that there is no possibility the library could increase the hours due to funding. It was suggested to propose an installment of a 24 hour study area to the Student Union.
As far as the recent controversy over the Spirit Rock, it has been decided that the rock will remain in its location.
SGA approved the motion to allocate $4,688 to Lancer Productions for their yearly conference that assists them with the ideas to generate popular comedians, speakers, shows, and games. Another $277.60 was approved to be allocated to Lancer Productions for polo shirts to accommodate for their unexpected increase in members.
Lancer Lunatics received re-allocated funds in the monetary value of $1,560. Lancer Lunatics shared the same theme as Oktoberfest and felt the need to change their theme, but will need the funding in other ways than previously desired. An additional $331.91 was approved to Lancer Lunatics for new supplies.
Lambda Alpha Epsilon was approved for funding in the amount of $1,062.88 to go towards their annual conference looking to further their knowledge in criminal justice. The funds will go towards travel and lodging expenses.
A newly-formed group, the Longwood League of Legends Club, was allocated $457.00 for items including Ethernet port switches, storage bins, HDMI cables, and USB extension cables that will accommodate those that do not have this equipment for the game.
The Student Educators for Active Leadership (SEAL) was approved in agreement from the SGA for the reallocation of funds in the amount of $2,135 for their rise in members.
The SGA approved the EPAA to allocate funds to the Social Justice in Action Leadership Summit in the amount of $7,500. The EPAA account is designed to specifically save funds for those groups that come together to put on an educational program.
President Reveley is scheduled to attend an upcoming meeting of SGA. The next SGA meeting will be held Tuesday, October 27 at 3:45 p.m..