This week’s SGA meeting shed light on the recent tragedy in Paris, France. Dr. Tim Pierson felt that Longwood was successful in rallying together to form a unified front on the matter.
One SGA member mentioned the support shown by some organizations at the Men’s Basketball game last Friday for the protests happening in Missouri in opposition of racism. The organizations held signs in support and awareness.
In the recent Student Finance Committee (SFC) meeting, the MLK Service Challenge had not been approved funding for t-shirts in the monetary amount of $1,500.00. The SFC did not approve the motion due to the fact that the organization was not in tier 1 to fund t-shirts which is stated in their bylaws.
SGA President Constance Garner proposed for SGA to co-sponsor the event, therefore allowing for SGA to fund the t-shirts considering that SGA is a tier 1 organization. Many members of SGA spoke in favor of the co-sponsorship based on the success of the event in past years. SGA approved in unison to co-sponsor the event.
The SGA approved in unison to allocate $15,000 to Lancer Productions in addiction to a previous allocation to fund four bands along with a DJ in between the musical acts. Lancer Productions is able to receive a discount for booking the bands in advance.
The SGA approved the motion to allocate $2,612.82 to Kappa Pi for a conference held in Portland, Oregon. The international conference will showcase all different levels of art by a wide variety of artists of different ages.
Alpha Phi Alpha was allocated $856.00 from SGA for their annual conference held in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
It was noted by one member of SGA how the Student Health and Wellness Center had launched their online portal this past week that allows for students to complete an online appointment with full confidentiality. Previously, the only way for students to make appointments was over the phone.
Outta Here had been a topic of discussion in past SGA meetings in terms of the high occupancy levels during certain hours. It was noted by one member of SGA how Outta Here has recently added an additional checkout lane for quicker service to students.
Senator Maribeth Stotler-Watkins noted that the Cook-Cole College is having a school supply drive that will benefit Prince Edward County Schools. It was also mentioned how a majority of academic buildings on campus have containers for students to make donations.