The focus of this week’s SGA meeting was on the issues with registering for classes online. Vicki Levine, the university’s registrar, was present at this week’s meeting to answer the questions and concerns of SGA members.
In previous meetings, Senator Shawn White spoke on behalf of the student veterans on campus about requesting the possibility of those students to be scheduled on Ticket 1 for registration. Levine replied that it was based on a case-by-case basis and that 41 percent of students have already been scheduled on Ticket 1 this fall.
Several SGA members expressed concern with the timeframe of scheduling at 6:00 a.m. Levine simply replied that it is a time that works for everyone.
An SGA member suggested the possibility of holding registration in the late afternoon on Fridays. Levine replied that the issues with only having Friday registrations at that time would be that many students may be traveling home at that time and that it would take a month to register all students rather than the current approximate week.
Levine added that the Registrar’s Office is constantly monitoring scheduling by use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YikYak to ensure that students aren’t facing major issues with scheduling.
During the SFC report, SGA approved to allocate $300 to WMLU in addition to the previous week’s allocation of $600 to fund sound for Battle of the Bands. A representative from WMLU came to the SGA meeting to confirm that this would be the last time the organization would be seeking funds from SGA regarding the event. The previous inadequate amount request was due to Oktoberfest schedule changes.
The SGA approved to allocate $5,920 to Honor Board to fund an upcoming conference in Tampa, Florida. This would include the trip fares of four members, two from Conduct Board and two from Honor Board.
The motion passed to allocate $1,000 to Longwood Advanced Singers to support a trip for eight members to travel to Carnegie Hall in New York City.
The SGA approved to allocate $348.41 to The Rotunda for a new printer for proofreading and layout needs.
The next SGA meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 10 at 3:45 p.m. in the ABC rooms of the Student Union.