This week’s SGA meeting focused attention on the issues concerning summer registration. It was brought up by President Constance Garner how currently the registration for summer courses is a free-for-all.
Complaints on the matter have been brought to Faculty Senate as well as the Registrar. The main issue is in regard to foreign language courses. Garner voiced her concerns with this in regard to seniors and how those particular students are not receiving a slot in the course they would need to graduate, keeping in mind they are still allowed to walk in graduation.
One suggestion made by Senator Tonisha Pitchford would be to have the first time ticket serve juniors and seniors to ensure that no underclassman would be taking their spot in the class. Much discussion surfaced as to why time ticketing does not exist currently as many were unaware this wasn’t already in place.
Other suggestions were made for the same procedure as regular registration with fall and spring registrations.
Dr. Tim Pierson focused on the recent bias protocol made November 21st. Pierson stated the incident was a “comment on the street,” and that it occurred in town. Due to the fact that this matter occurred in Farmville both the Longwood University Police as well as the Farmville Police are investigating the incident. Pierson ensured that all those involved will “…follow up to the best of our ability.” Campus student leaders have been informed of further details regarding the incident.
The SGA passed the motion to allocate $3,207.00 to IFC for their conference held in Atlanta, Georgia. This allocation will fund seven people in terms of registration fees, lodging, and transportation.
They also approved to reallocate $2,350.00 to Alternative Spring Break. The organization had not realized how the site fees were no longer needed and wished to use the already allocated funds for transportation that ended up being more expensive than expected.
Longwood Ambassadors allocation of $1,573.00 was approved by the SGA for a conference in Louisville, Kentucky funding four people. These funds will include registration fees and lodging.
Senator Mark Barham brought up the need for Longwood to pay for night classes that can be costly to students. Barham stated how even a compromise between Longwood and the students would be a possibility to cut down on some of the costs. Barham also mentioned how there was an alumnus who is certified that would be willing to accommodate for those students looking to taking these courses at a lower cost.
It was also brought up how the Student Union will be open next week until 2:00 a.m. to provide for finals week as well as two nights this week.