Senator Mark Barham brought up the idea to add a policy to the student handbook which would ban the use of cellphones during class periods.
Senator Tonisha Pitchford felt it was unnecessary to add the policy given that it is the student’s decision to use their cellphone during class. Pitchford also added how many professors have already incorporated the use of cell phones into the class to find a more modern way of learning.
Patricia Hale, a representative from Facilities Management Services, attended this week’s meeting to discuss the upcoming event titled ‘Recyclemania.’a’. This program serves to promote recycling on campus throughout the United States and Canada. ‘Recyclemania’ is an international competition that monitors recycling per capita. At Longwood, there are recycling centers on campus that allow students to recycle as they please.
Dr. Tim Pierson mentioned that there are some graduate programs, which are currently being considered to be added or enhanced.
Treasurer Jessica Darst brought attention to the recent issues regarding members of the LGBT community. Particular members have not felt respected in the classroom environment by professors.
Executive Senator India White pointed out that there is currently no faculty/staff diversity training in place.
SGA President Constance Garner mentioned that in years past, the SGA has sponsored a New Lancer Day speaker as well as the G.A.M.E. scarves and wished to continue to do so. Garner felt that this information has gone unknown to many, and Darst suggested to place the SGA logo on the scarf for advertisement purposes.
Longwood will be hosting programs in honor of the anniversary of the signing of the 26th amendment, which lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. On Wednesday, March 23rd Longwood will hold ‘Democracy Day’ to commemorate.