When it comes to the average college student, they may tell you this is their third cup of coffee for the day. Judging by the media, we seem to look at coffee as our only vital supplement when we are faced with a long, hectic day of studying and cramming in those papers due by midnight. But realistically speaking, who actually turns to coffee as their form of water and who substitutes coffee in other methods? I interviewed three Longwood students and their responses were, well, surprising.
Sarah Kamen, a freshmen at Longwood, said she drinks coffee six out of seven days of the week. As she laughed hysterically, she knew this was not so common. Kamen explained to avoid spending her Lancer Cash, she has a Keurig machine in her dorm and brews her coffee with the cups by Dunkin Donuts. So, if you are looking for ways to save up some extra cash, follow Kamen’s idea and invest in a Keurig!
Another student, Tyler Kelley, a junior at Longwood, said he drinks coffee probably up to three days a week. Not so bad for a student who is crammed with his second to last year of studies, which we might assume take up a lot of time and energy.
“I go to Java City to pick up some coffee. I actually really like it; it’s so convenient especially when you’re already at the library,” explained Kelley.
This could be a reason why students lean toward coffee; it might be tempting since you’re faced with the aroma of coffee as soon as you enter the library.
The most shocking reveal was from Alpha Berhane, a freshmen at Longwood. She said she doesn’t drink coffee at all. After telling her she was most likely one in a million, she suggested to eat fruit! By eating fruits and snacks in between classes, she doesn’t fall into the temptation of resorting to coffee because she is already full!
“It’s a much healthier lifestyle for me, and I don’t feel groggy by the end of the day,” Berhane said.
If you are looking for a fresh new start after midterms, maybe following Berhane’s lifestyle choices could help you.
After looking into the mind of three typical college students, did you affiliate with one of them? Maybe coffee is the one source that brings most college students all together. Or perhaps, the coffee business secretly knows we need to stay awake to cram that paper in by midnight.
The choice is up to you, if you feel like maybe it is time for a break from coffee, pick up a new habit (the smoothies at the Student Union are delicious!). But if you fall under the coffee frenzy and find that it keeps you productive and happy, drink up!