"The easiest path for me that I'd still be happy taking (would be working in a pet store). I really like animals, but I would not want to be a vet or anything because I don't like seeing them in pain, and I feel like the best way that I am able to help animals is to educate owners, and I (would) have very easy access to pet owners if I'm in a pet store all the time. I'm an artist, so I try to do different artworks about animal rights and things. I sell those paintings or donate all or part of the proceeds to different animal charities. Specifically, hermit crabs are one of my focuses. Someone brought in some hermit crabs to the (pet) store that I work at, and they said that it was acting sluggish and that they weren't moving around. I helped them re-do their entire habitat so that it was a proper hermit crab setup, and they filled it up with things that they needed. The hermit crabs actually got a lot better, and they're still alive to this day. It's been two years since … I don't see a whole lot of difference between animals and humans. I know that a lot of people see differences, but I feel like we're just another species on this planet, and we should care for other species.”
Humans of Longwood: Caroline Chatfield