In August, Vellie Dietrich-Hall, owner of Vellie’s Boutique in Charlotte Courthouse, Va., celebrated six years of business by opening a new location in downtown Farmville.
It’s no ordinary boutique; all of Vellie’s merchandise has a backstory.
“I only buy things that have causes for it,” said Dietrich-Hall.
The causes she supports are located across the world, including countries like Belize, Vietnam, India, Bulgaria, Korea, Japan and Thailand.
Dietrich-Hall traveled all over the world to meet women she finds inspirational. Her passion for supporting the livelihood of populations in impoverished conditions is shown through the knowledge she shares about the culture of each piece of jewelry or clothing.
“(The proceeds from) our Sacred Thread brand provides education for malnourished children in India,” said Dietrich-Hall.
Jewelry at Vellie’s Boutique varies from bracelets blessed by the Mayans and designed by orphan boys in Belize to necklaces made by local women, including one with Multiple Sclerosis.
Unique jade necklaces, showcased near the entrance of the boutique, are made by women who are deaf-mute. The boutique also sells jewelry made of materials from mangrove trees. When the material is wet, it expands and the jewelry is commonly gifted to ward-off evil spirits when worn.
But Vellie’s sells more than just clothing and jewelry; their selection includes a collection of sturdy, colorful woven bags made of recycled materials were made by blind high school students in the Philippines.
Dietrich-Hall supports women who converted from Islam to Christianity and were infected with HIV by their husbands. The statement necklaces made by these primarily single mothers feature exotic pearls and are shown off at the front of boutique.
Dietrich-Hall said the store valued health and revealed a selection of lipsticks and lip glosses that do not contain lead as an ingredient, unlike most lip products on the market.
The “top of the line” selection of clothing sold in Vellie’s Boutique is by designer Joseph Ribkoff.
“He designed clothing for Miss America contestants and the winner of Miss America as he toured doing some educational tours all over the United States, all over the world actually, so that itself has meaning,” said Dietrich-Hall.
The boutique also sells clothing made in the United States, appealing to a large age range of women. There is a selection of dresses, skirts, pants, tops, hats and boots showcased on mannequins, shelves and window displays. Items in the store range from $36-$600. Dietrich-Hall said she hoped that more Longwood students would discover the boutique.
Velly's Boutique is a new shop located on main street that brings the style to Longwood.
Velly's Boutique is a new shop located on main street that brings the style to Longwood.
Velly's Boutique is a new shop located on main street that brings the style to Longwood.