Q1: “What’s going on with the chalk protest on campus?”
For those who are unaware, there was a protest on Longwood’s campus last week in response to the rule Longwood made regarding the use of chalk on campus.
Recently, there have been a growing number of protests on our campus as well as other campuses across the nation. Some to fight for social liberties like equal treatment between the sexes and support for refugees, others have been for more low-key issues like the need for freedom of speech and ability to draw on someone else’s property.
The chalk protest was just that- a protest against Longwood’s policy limiting the public and student community’s capacity to draw on campus.
This is a completely unfair policy because students are always trying to draw on campus, and we’re tired of being arrested and punished for rubbing erasable rock dust against pavement.
In that same vein, there are other protests coming up soon regarding other stupid rules Longwood has. Next Wednesday, we’re having a walk in support of students with GPAs lower than a 2.0. (Fight the discrimination against laziness!) The following Friday, we will be protesting the laws against public indecency by urinating in front of Ruffner Fountain. (People should be able to pee wherever they want!) There are also plans for a protest against wasted D-hall chicken nuggets; we’re hoping to do this around exam week.
Always remember, if there’s a rule that you don’t like or feel is unjust, it’s our job as citizens to fight those laws and keep society moving in a direction that best suits us, no matter if it inconveniences others or not.
Q2: “Why aren’t any girls replying to the Grindr account I made?”
This is a tricky question. There could be any number of reasons that girls aren’t responding to your Grindr account.
Unfortunately, I haven’t seen your account, so I can’t say for certain why they aren’t replying to you. However, I can take my best guess. Let’s break this down.
How are your profile pictures? Have you considered filling them with pictures of you with all your friends? Women love it when they can’t tell which person in the photos is the one they’re talking to. Perhaps you could try using pictures of you doing any unique sports like scuba diving, fencing or jousting. The best pictures are the ones where the subject’s face is obscured by plastic or metal masks. Ditch the cute puppy picture. Go full suit of armor. 100% success rate guaranteed.
What about your bio? Sometimes bios can be misleading. Just tell them straight up what you’re looking for. If you’re only looking for someone to drag to your frat’s date parties, make sure you let them know. Or maybe you need a lady on your arm to accompany you to your next family reunion so your mother stops trying to hook you up with your little cousin Dave’s nerdy babysitter. You’d be surprised how accommodating women can be.
Lastly, your job is very important. I realize we’re in college, so not everyone is the CEO of a company. But that doesn’t mean you can’t spruce up your job title as long as you’re not lying. Truck driver - advanced mechanic machinery operator and manager. Waiter – senior finances handler and customer consultant. It never fails.