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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Why people wear ‘T’s around their neck

Q1: “I’ve seen this tremendous douche around campus, and he has a ‘T’ around his neck. What does it stand for? I’d ask him myself, but he’s kind of a music hero.”

This is an interesting observation! It’s completely understandable that you’d be nervous to ask him yourself, especially if he is one of those music heroes with women all over them, one of those sexy guitar players.

I must admit, I’m not completely sure what the ‘T’ stands for, but we can go through the possibilities.

It’s possible the ‘T’ stands for tremendous douche. I know that seems too obvious, but some people think they are intellectuals and ironic when, really, this man is indeed a tremendous douche.

If this man is one of those meta-spouting-English-nerds, it could stand for “Timothy” or “Taylor” or “Tony,” which could be his name. It’s also possible that he needs it to remember his first initial, like a name tag, but he only needs help remembering the first letter.

Maybe the necklace means “titillating” or “tantalizing,” as he is a music hero, and probably has a big ego and thinks about cheating on his girlfriend all the time.

Then again, it could just be a religious symbol this musician wears around his neck to feel closer to the big G, but who knows, really?

Note: This article makes reference to a previous Rotonion question, which you can find the answer to here:

Q2: “How long will the love between the sun and the moon last?"

You know, some would say the sun and the moon aren’t ‘in love,’ but instead, the Earth is held in constant revolution around the sun due to its huge gravitational pull. And as the moon is revolving around the Earth for the same reason, it is subsequently also revolving around the sun.

Those people are misinformed.

Allow me to explain how this really works:

A long time ago, a man living in the sky, all by himself, was very lonely. As he was all-powerful and bored, he decided to create things to live in the sky with him so he wouldn’t be lonely any longer. He mustered up his magical powers and created a giant ball of light, which he named the sun. The man and the sun lived together in perfect harmony until the sun became sad because he wanted more friends.

So, the man in the sky created the moon, which is basically a big, useless rock. The rock and the ball of light spent so much time alone that they fell in love, and as they are celestial beings, their love is everlasting and will continue until the sun grows larger and larger and eventually swallows up the moon in a fiery explosion.

That’s why the man in the sky created planets and people. He didn’t want to be a third wheel anymore. Honestly, I don’t blame him. Being a third wheel is the worst. 

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